Namespace: alkx


This namespace holds all the typedefs for the API. The names contains herein do not exist as classes and objects in the API. They are merely here for reference as to their structure.

Type Definitions




This structure types the return from the ALK Services attribution call.




Name Type Argument Description
setId string | undefined <optional>
alkx.AvoidFavorMapLink | undefined <optional>



Name Type Argument Description
setId number | string | undefined <optional>
afId number | string | undefined <optional>



Name Type Argument Description
id number | string | undefined <optional>
tag string | undefined <optional>
detail boolean | string | undefined <optional>
name string | undefined <optional>



This typedef is a catch all that contains all the options that are given to alk.service.AvoidFavorSetsService objects and their subclasses.

Name Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.


Name Type Argument Description
setId string | undefined <optional>
alkx.AvoidFavorMapLink | undefined <optional>



Name Type Argument Description
setId string | undefined <optional>
alkx.AvoidFavorMapLink | undefined <optional>



Name Type Argument Description
setId string | undefined <optional>
afId number | string | undefined <optional>



This typedef is a catch all that contains all the options that are given to alk.service.AvoidFavorsService objects and their subclasses.

Name Type Description
setId number | string

This option contains the setId that names to which the subsequent calls will pertain.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.


Name Type Argument Description
sourceOptions alkx.BaseMapSourceOptions | undefined <optional>

This option provides the options to create the alk.source.BaseMapSource source and its alk.service.MapTileService service that will supply the URL to get the base map layer tiles.

opacity number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Opacity (0, 1). Default is 1.

preload number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Preload. Load low-resolution tiles up to preload levels. By default preload is 0, which means no preloading.

map ol.PluggableMap | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Sets the layer as overlay on a map. The map will not manage this layer in its layers collection, and the layer will be rendered on top. This is useful for temporary layers. The standard way to add a layer to a map and have it managed by the map is to use ol.Map#addLayer.

visible boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Visibility. Default is true (visible).

extent ol.Extent | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The bounding extent for layer rendering. The layer will not be rendered outside of this extent.

minResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The minimum resolution (inclusive) at which this layer will be visible.

maxResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The maximum resolution (exclusive) below which this layer will be visible.

useInterimTilesOnError boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Use interim tiles on error. Default is true.

zIndex number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The z-index for layer rendering. At rendering time, the layers will be ordered, first by Z-index and then by position. The default Z-index is 0.


This typedef describes the options to be given to the alk.source.BaseMapSource constructor.

Name Type Argument Description
serviceOptions alkx.MapTileServiceOptions | undefined <optional>

This option contains the options to create the alk.service.MapTileService service that creates the URL to get the map tiles.

attributions ol.AttributionLike | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.


cacheSize number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Cache size. Default is 2048.

crossOrigin null | string | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images. Note that you must provide a crossOrigin value if you are using the WebGL renderer or if you want to access pixel data with the Canvas renderer. See [] for more detail.

opaque boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Whether the layer is opaque.

projection ol.ProjectionLike | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

This options contains the projection with which to interpret other options, such as the extent.

reprojectionErrorThreshold number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Maximum allowed reprojection error (in pixels). Default is 0.5. Higher values may increase reprojection performance, but decrease precision.

state ol.source.State | undefined <optional>

Source state.

wrapX boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Whether to wrap the world horizontally. The default, undefined, is to request out-of-bounds tiles from the server. When set to false, only one world will be rendered. When set to true, tiles will be requested for one world only, but they will be wrapped horizontally to render multiple worlds.


The menu item definition for the ContextMenu.

Name Type Description
separator boolean | undefined
text string | undefined
onclick function | undefined


The menu item definition for the alk.control.ContextMenu.

Name Type Argument Description
ctxMenuItems Array.<alkx.ContextMenuOptionItem> | undefined <optional>
menuItems Object.<string, (string|boolean)> | undefined <optional>


This typedef specifies the options needed for the constructor and get functions of the alk.service.CountriesSingleSearchService.

Name Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

codes Array.<string> | string

This option specifies the FIPS codes for counties in the search.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.





Name Type Argument Description
id number | string | undefined <optional>
name string | undefined <optional>
icon string | undefined <optional>
iconURL string | undefined <optional>
tag string | undefined <optional>



Name Type Description
id number | string | undefined


Name Type Argument Description
id number | string | undefined <optional>
tag string | undefined <optional>
name string | undefined <optional>



This typedef is a catch all that contains all the options that are given to alk.service.CustomCategoriesService objects and their subclasses.

Name Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.


Name Type Argument Description
id number | string | undefined <optional>
name string | undefined <optional>
icon string | undefined <optional>
iconURL string | undefined <optional>
tag string | undefined <optional>



Name Type Description
streetAddress string | undefined
city string | undefined
state string | undefined
county string | undefined
zip string | undefined


Name Type Description
lon number | undefined
lat number | undefined


Name Type Argument Description
setId string | undefined <optional>
place alkx.CustomPlacesPlace | undefined <optional>



Name Type Argument Description
setId number | string | undefined <optional>
placeId number | string | undefined <optional>



Name Type Argument Description
id number | string | undefined <optional>
tag string | undefined <optional>
includePlaces boolean | string | undefined <optional>
placeName string | undefined <optional>
catId number | string | undefined <optional>
catName string | undefined <optional>
extent Array.<number> | undefined <optional>



This typedef is a catch all that contains all the options that are given to alk.service.CustomPlaceSetsService objects and their subclasses.

Name Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.


Name Type Argument Description
setId string | undefined <optional>
place alkx.CustomPlacesPlace | undefined <optional>



Name Type Description
id number | string | undefined
customPlaceId number | string | undefined
categoryId string | undefined
phone string | undefined
address alkx.CustomPlacesAddress | undefined
coords alkx.CustomPlacesCoords | undefined
dataRegion number | undefined
placeName string | undefined


Name Type Argument Description
setId string | undefined <optional>
place alkx.CustomPlacesPlace | undefined <optional>



Name Type Argument Description
setId number | string | undefined <optional>
placeId number | string | undefined <optional>



This typedef is a catch all that contains all the options that are given to alk.service.CustomPlacesService objects and their subclasses.

Name Type Description
setId number | string

This option contains the setId that names to which the subsequent calls will pertain.

apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.


Name Type Argument Description
setId string | undefined <optional>
place alkx.CustomPlacesPlace | undefined <optional>



Name Type Description
Id string | undefined
Name string | undefined
Tag string | undefined
Places Array.<alkx.CustomPlacesPlace> | undefined


This typedef specifies options for running environment default alk.defaults

Name Type Description
imageHostURL string

The URL the images are at. Must be of "/Content/Images/icon".

https boolean

If HTTP is preferred for the web service calls, set this to false. Otherwise, HTTPS will be used.


Name Type Argument Description
source alk.source.DriveTimePolygon | undefined <optional>

This option contains the alk.source.DriveTimePolygon.

driveTimePolygonServiceOptions alkx.DriveTimePolygonServiceOptions | undefined <optional>

This option contains the options that are given to the underlying alk.service.DriveTimePolygonService to create the polygons.

frameRoute boolean | undefined <optional>

This option specifies when the to the underlying alk.service.DriveTimePolygonService completes successfully, the map will zoom and center to fit the extent of its features.

renderOrder ol.RenderOrderFunction | null | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Render Order. Function to be used when sorting features before rendering. By default features are drawn in the order that they are created. Use null to avoid the sort, but get an undefined draw order. Required.

The default order of creation is, route lines, then stops in order from origin to destination.

minResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The minimum resolution (inclusive) at which this layer will be visible.

maxResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The maximum resolution (exclusive) below which this layer will be visible.

declutter boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Declutter images and text. Decluttering is applied to all image and text styles, and the priority is defined by the z-index of the style. Lower z-index means higher priority. Default is false.

extent ol.Extent | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The bounding extent for layer rendering. The layer will not be rendered outside of this extent.

opacity number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Opacity (0, 1). Default is 1.

renderBuffer number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The buffer around the viewport extent used by the renderer when getting features from the vector source for the rendering or hit-detection. Recommended value: the size of the largest symbol, line width, or label. Default is 100 pixels.

map ol.PluggableMap | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Sets the layer as overlay on a map. The map will not manage this layer in its layers collection, and the layer will be rendered on top. This is useful for temporary layers. The standard way to add a layer to a map and have it managed by the map is to use ol.Map#addLayer.

style | | Array.<> | | Array.<> | ol.StyleFunction | undefined <optional>

This option specifies the style or style function to be used in drawing the polygons. The default is to use a object that cycles through a set of default corresponding fill and stroke colors.

If the style is a it is used directly. All others result in creating a with the given style. If the style is a it creates a DriveTimePolygonLayerStyle with this StyleQueue. This approach allows you to direct which colors are drawn for polygons on different drive time layers.

If the style is a single style, it sets up a StyleQueue containing that stroke. If it is an array of Styles, it sets up a StyleQueue containing those styles.

If it is anything else, the style is passed to the ol.layer.Vector for default styling.

updateWhileAnimating boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

When set to true, feature batches will be recreated during animations. This means that no vectors will be shown clipped, but the setting will have a performance impact for large amounts of vector data. When set to false, batches will be recreated when no animation is active. Default is false.

updateWhileInteracting boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

When set to true, feature batches will be recreated during interactions. See also updateWhileAnimating.

visible boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Visibility. Default is true (visible).

zIndex number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The z-index for layer rendering. At rendering time, the layers will be ordered, first by Z-index and then by position. The default Z-index is 0.

declutter boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Declutter images and text. Decluttering is applied to all image and text styles, and the priority is defined by the z-index of the style. Lower z-index means higher priority. Default is false.

zIndex number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The z-index for layer rendering. At rendering time, the layers will be ordered, first by Z-index and then by position. The default Z-index is 0.


Name Type Description

This option contains the styleQueue to use.


This typedef contains all the options that are given to alk.service.DriveTimePolygonService objects and their subclasses.

Name Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.

srs alk.val.SRS | number | string

This option tells the service the particular projection that is used any GIS data given to the service.

center Array.<number> | string

This option contains the center of the search.

minutes number | string

This option contains the number of driving minutes, with which to size the polygon.

vehicleType alk.val.VehicleType | number | string

This option tells the service the type of vehicle that is requesting the route.

routeType alk.val.RouteType | number | string

This option tells the service the type of the route requested. It can be alk.val.RouteType.Practical or alk.val.RouteType.Shortest.

highwayOnly boolean | number | string

This option tells the service to generate a route that will travel mostly along highways.

avoidFavors boolean | number | string

This option tells the service whether or not to use avoids and favors while routing.

overrideClass Array.<(alk.val.OverrideClass|number)> | string

This option tells the service the classes of vehicle travel. Such as alk.val.OverrideClass.NationalNetwork or alk.val.OverrideClass.FiftyThreeFoot.

distanceUnits alk.val.DistanceUnits | number | string

This option tells the service that any distance measurements will be delivered in these units, such as alk.val.DistanceUnits.Kilometers or alk.val.DistanceUnits.Miles.

avoidTolls boolean | number | string

This option tells the service to avoid toll roads and bridges while creating the route.

openBorders boolean | number | string

This option tells the service if the borders are open for travel.

overrideRestrict boolean | number | string

This option tells the service whether to override truck restrictions.

hazMat alk.val.HazMat | number | string

This option tells the service the hazardous material type.

vehicleDimensionUnits alk.val.VehicleDimensionUnits | number | string

This option tells the service in what units, metric or otherwise, the vehicle measurements are presented. Can be either

vehicleHeight number | string

This option contains the height measurement of the vehicle.

vehicleLength number | string

This option contains the length measurement of the vehicle.

vehicleWidth number | string

This option contains the width measurement of the vehicle.

vehicleWeight number | string

This option contains the weight measurement of the vehicle.

axles number | string

This option contains the number of axles on the vehicle.

truckConfig alk.val.TruckConfig | number | string

This option specifies the particular vehicle configuration, such as alk.val.TruckConfig.FullSizeVan, etc.

lcv boolean | number | string

This option tells whether the truck is a multi-trailer or longer combination vehicle.

elevationLimit number | string

This option tells the service the distance above sea level to keep the route. Its value is interpreted according to the 'distanceUnits' option.

afSetIds Array.<(string|number)> | string

This option lists the avoid/favor sets to the route.

ferryDiscourage boolean | number | string

This option tells the service to avoid ferries when creating the route.

governorSpeedLimit number | string

This option tells the service the maximum average road speed to use in route calculations that overrides all other road speeds when the are above this value. Default is disabled and valid values are between 1 and 100mph. TODO: Is this always in MPH when distanceUnits is Kilometers?

tollDiscourage boolean | number | string

This option tells the service to avoid tolls. Use 'avoidTolls'.

classOverrides Array.<(alk.val.OverrideClass|number)> | string

This option tells the service the travel class overrides. Use 'classOverrides'.

routingType alk.val.RouteType | number | string

This option tells the route type. See alkx.RouteServiceOptions#routeType.

hazMatType alk.val.HazMat | number | string

This option tells the service the HazMat conditions in effect. Use 'hazMat'.

trkUnits alk.val.VehicleDimensionUnits | number | string

This option contains the measurement units for the vehicle. Use 'vehicleDimensionUnits'.

trkHeight number | string

This option contains the height of the vehicle. Use 'vehicleHeight'.

trkLength number | string

This option contains the length of the vehicle. Use 'vehicleLength'.

trkWidth number | string

This option contains the width of the vehicle. Use 'vehicleWidth'.

trkWeight number | string

This option contains the weight of the vehicle. Use 'vehicleHeight'.

trkAxles number | string

This option contains the number of axles on the vehicle. Use 'axles'.

trkLCV boolean | number | string

This option indicates whether the vehicle is a multi-trailer or longer combination. Use 'lcv'.


This structure types the return from the alk.service.RouteService#get call.

Name Type Description
driveTimePolygonServiceOptions alkx.DriveTimePolygonServiceOptions | undefined

This property holds the options that were made to make the call to the alk.service.DriveTimePolygonService.

result alkx.DriveTimePolygonServiceResult

This property contains the result of the call to the alk.service.DriveTimePolygonService. If the result is null or undefined, the call failed. It is a list of a list of coordinates, which is a list of numbers.



Name Type Argument Description
driveTimePolygonServiceOptions alk.service.DriveTimePolygonService

This option contains the DriveTimePolygon service options with which to create the DriveTimePolygonService used internally.

wrapX boolean | undefined <optional>

Wrap the world horizontally. Default is true. For vector editing across the -180° and 180° meridians to work properly, this should be set to false. The resulting geometry coordinates will then exceed the world bounds.


This typedef is for the alk.layer.EditTrailRoutingLayerKeyShortCuts constructor.

In order for this interaction to work, a keyboardEventTarget option must be set on the map. That option defaults to the map itself, however, the map must have a tabIndex so that focus can float to it. If the map doesn't have keyboard focus in that situation, this interaction will not get the keyboard events. One solution is to put the global 'document' for the keyboardEventTarget, which means this interaction will get those keyboard events.

Name Type Description
routingLayer alk.layer.EditTrailRoutingLayer

This option holds the reference to the alk.layer.EditTrailRoutingLayer.

prevRouteCondition ol.EventsConditionType

This option holds the condition to call alk.layer.EditTrailRoutingLayer#prevRoute. The default is CTRL-Z or META-Z.

nextRouteCondition ol.EventsConditionType

This option holds the condition to call alk.layer.EditTrailRoutingLayer#nextRoute. The default is CTRL-SHIFT-Z, META-SHIFT-Z, CTRL-Y, or META-Y.


Name Type Description
addr string

This option contains the street of the address for a geocode call. This option will override any default in the alk.service.LocationsService.

city string

This option contains the city of the address for a geocode call. This option will override any default in the alk.service.LocationsService.

state string

This option contains the state/province of the address for a geocode call. This option will override any default in the alk.service.LocationsService.

zip string

This option contains the zip/postal code of the address for a geocode call. This option will override any default in the alk.service.LocationsService.

region string

This option contains the ALK region of where to get the data for a geocode call. This option will override any default in the alk.service.LocationsService.


This is the object representing a response item from the ALK PCM Locations service.


Name Type Description
address alkx.GeocodeAddress | alkx.NormalizedAddress

This option contains the address structure for the alk.geocode.Geocoder#geocode call. This option may also contain the 'normalized' address object that is returned in the response object.

listSize number

This option contains the maximum number of results to return in the response list.

success function

This option contains the callback function that will be called upon a successful return.

failure function

This option contains the callback function that will be called upon a failure return.


This type describes the response from the alk.geocode.Geocoder#geocode call.


Name Type Description
locationsServiceOptions alkx.LocationsServiceOptions

This option contains the options for the creation of the underling alkx.LocationsServiceOptions object.


This typedef defines the options for the @{link alk.format.HashedIdFactory}.

Name Type Argument Description
checkForCollisions boolean | undefined <optional>

If this option is set to true, the HashedIdFactory will check for hash collisions. Default is false;

logCollisions boolean | undefined <optional>

If this option is set to true, and the options.checkForCollisions is also set to true, the HashedIdFactory will log collisions when they occur during calls to alk.format.HashedIdFactory#getIdForString. Default is false.

Override alk.format.HashedIdFactory#logCollisions to redirect logging.


These are options that are used for OpenLayer layers.

Name Type Description
declutter boolean | undefined

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Declutter images and text. Decluttering is applied to all image and text styles, and the priority is defined by the z-index of the style. Lower z-index means higher priority. Default is false.

renderOrder ol.RenderOrderFunction | null | undefined

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Render Order. Function to be used when sorting features before rendering. By default features are drawn in the order that they are created. Use null to avoid the sort, but get an undefined draw order. Required.

The default order of creation is, route lines, then stops in order from origin to destination.

renderBuffer number | undefined

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The buffer around the viewport extent used by the renderer when getting features from the vector source for the rendering or hit-detection. Recommended value: the size of the largest symbol, line width, or label. Default is 100 pixels.

opacity number | undefined

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Opacity (0, 1). Default is 1.

preload number | undefined

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Preload. Load low-resolution tiles up to preload levels. By default preload is 0, which means no preloading.

map ol.PluggableMap | undefined

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Sets the layer as overlay on a map. The map will not manage this layer in its layers collection, and the layer will be rendered on top. This is useful for temporary layers. The standard way to add a layer to a map and have it managed by the map is to use ol.Map#addLayer.

visible boolean | undefined

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Visibility. Default is true (visible).

extent ol.Extent | undefined

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The bounding extent for layer rendering. The layer will not be rendered outside of this extent.

minResolution number | undefined

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The minimum resolution (inclusive) at which this layer will be visible.

maxResolution number | undefined

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The maximum resolution (exclusive) below which this layer will be visible.

updateWhileAnimating boolean | undefined

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

When set to true, feature batches will be recreated during animations. This means that no vectors will be shown clipped, but the setting will have a performance impact for large amounts of vector data. When set to false, batches will be recreated when no animation is active. Default is false.

updateWhileInteracting boolean | undefined

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

When set to true, feature batches will be recreated during interactions. See also updateWhileAnimating.

useInterimTilesOnError boolean | undefined

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Use interim tiles on error. Default is true.

style Array.<> | | Array.<> | ol.StyleFunction | undefined

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

This option specifies the style or style function to be used rendering the layer.

zIndex number | undefined

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The z-index for layer rendering. At rendering time, the layers will be ordered, first by Z-index and then by position. The default Z-index is 0.


Object literal with config options for the overlay.

Name Type Argument Description
id number | string | undefined <optional>
cssClass string | undefined <optional>
offset Array.<number> | undefined <optional>
position ol.Coordinate | undefined <optional>
positioning ol.OverlayPositioning | string | undefined <optional>
stopEvent boolean | undefined <optional>
insertFirst boolean | undefined <optional>
autoPan boolean | undefined <optional>
autoPanAnimation olx.OverlayPanOptions | undefined <optional>
autoPanMargin number | undefined <optional>


These options are specified for the LoadStrategy constructor.

Name Type Description
minResolution number

This option specifies the minimum resolution for which the load strategy will provide extents. The number is specified in meters per pixel.

maxResolution number

This option specifies the maximum resolution for which the load strategy will provide extents. The number is specified in meters per pixel.


This typedef specifies the options needed for the constructor and get functions of the alk.service.LocationsReverseService.

Name Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

coords Array.<string> | string

This options specifies the coordinates with which to restrict the search. The projection must be EPSG:4356.

currentSpeed number | string

This option specifies speed of the vehicle in Miles Per Hour.

heading string | number

This option specifies heading. The value is in degrees counter clockwise from East. East = 0, North = 90, West = 180 , South = 270.

includeLinkInfo boolean | number | string

This option specifies the response to include link identifier information.

includePostedSpeedLimit boolean | number | string

This option specifies the response to include the posted speed limit information. Good only for ALK licenses that include speed limit.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

matchNamedRoadsOnly boolean | number | string

This option is tells the service that when it is looking up coordinates to force reverse geocoding to match named roads only.

maxCleanupMiles number | string

This option is tells the service that when it is looking up coordinates sets maximum radius in which to find the closest matching road.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.

urban boolean | number | string

This option specifies that the search is in an urban area.

vehicleType alk.val.VehicleType | number | string

This option tells the service the type of vehicle that is requesting the route.


This structure types the return from the ALK ReverseGeocoder call.

Name Type Description
locationsReverseServiceOptions alkx.LocationsReverseServiceOptions
response Array.<alkx.GeocodeLocation> | undefined


This typedef specifies the options needed for the constructor and get functions of the alk.service.LocationsService.

Name Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

city string

This option specifies the city that will be used to search.

citySearchFilter string

This option specifies the city search filter to use. TODO: Various values?

coords Array.<string> | string

This options specifies the coordinates with which to restrict the search. The projection must be EPSG:4356.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

list number | string

This option tells the service how many results to return.

matchNamedRoadsOnly boolean | number | string

This option is tells the service that when it is looking up coordinates to force reverse geocoding to match named roads only.

maxCleanupMiles number | string

This option is tells the service that when it is looking up coordinates sets maximum radius in which to find the closest matching road.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

postCode string

This option contains the postal code to use in the search.

postCodeFilter string

This option contains the postal code filter to use in the search. The service uses this option to filter zip codes by country. For example, use 'US' to indicate US zip codes only. Use 'EM' to indicate Mexican postal codes only. Use a sequence of country codes for multiple. TODO: Are they separated by commas?

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.

splc string

This option contains the Standard Point Lookup Code. It is used in place of using street/city/state/zip.

state string

This option contains the state (or provence) to use in the search.

street string

This option contains the state (or provence) to use in the search.


This structure types the return from the ALK Geocoder call.


Name Type Argument Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

style alk.val.Style | number | string

This option tells the service the style of map that is requested. ALK has a number of different map styles, such as alk.val.Style.Night, and alk.val.Style.Terrain.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

sourceOptions alkx.BaseMapSourceOptions | undefined <optional>

This option provides the extra options to create the alk.source.BaseMapSource source and its alk.service.MapTileService service that will supply the URL to get the base map layer tiles.

opacity number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Opacity (0, 1). Default is 1.

preload number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Preload. Load low-resolution tiles up to preload levels. By default preload is 0, which means no preloading.

map ol.PluggableMap | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Sets the layer as overlay on a map. The map will not manage this layer in its layers collection, and the layer will be rendered on top. This is useful for temporary layers. The standard way to add a layer to a map and have it managed by the map is to use ol.Map#addLayer.

visible boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Visibility. Default is true (visible).

extent ol.Extent | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The bounding extent for layer rendering. The layer will not be rendered outside of this extent.

minResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The minimum resolution (inclusive) at which this layer will be visible.

maxResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The maximum resolution (exclusive) below which this layer will be visible.

useInterimTilesOnError boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Use interim tiles on error. Default is true.

zIndex number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The z-index for layer rendering. At rendering time, the layers will be ordered, first by Z-index and then by position. The default Z-index is 0.


This typedef specifies the 'catch all' object for options needed for for various subclasses of alk.service.Service.

Name Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

drawerGroups Array.<(alk.val.DrawerGroup|number)> | string

The DrawerGroups parameter for the Service.

format alk.val.Format | number

This option tells the Service in which format to deliver its image data.

imgOption alk.val.ImgOption | number | string

This option tells the service which way to deliver the image data. Available values are 'Background', 'Foreground', and 'Both'.

imgSrc alk.val.ImgSrc | number | string

This option tells the service from where to get its image data. The available names, such as 'Sat1' and 'Sat2', have specific designations with ALK. Please see {TODO: Need Reference Here} for a current description.

height number | string

This option tells the service the height in which to return image data or tiles. The value is in pixels.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.

srs alk.val.SRS | number | string

This option tells the service the particular projection that is used any GIS data given to the service.

style alk.val.Style | number | string

This option tells the service the style of map that is requested. ALK has a number of different map styles, such as alk.val.Style.Night, and alk.val.Style.Terrain.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

width number | string

This option tells the service the width in which to return image data or tiles. The value is in pixels.


This typedef specifies the options needed for the constructor and get functions of the alk.service.Service.

Name Type Description
service alk.service.Service

This option contains the service with which to make requests.


This typedef describes the options for the alk.layer.MultiRoutingLayer#addRoute method.

Name Type Description
routeId string

This option gives the routeId for the route being added to the layer. If a route already exists in the layer with this id, it is replaced.

routeServiceOptions alkx.RouteServiceOptions

This option gives the routeServiceOptions that will be handed off to the ALK service to create the route.


Name Type Description
StreetAddress string | undefined

This option contains name of the street and number of the address.

City string | undefined

This option contains name of the city;

State string | undefined

This option contains the name of the state.

Zip string | undefined

This option contains the zip/postal code.

County string | undefined

This option contains the name of the county.

Country string | undefined

This option contains the name of the country.

SPLC string | undefined

This option contains the Standard Place Location Code.

CountryPostalFilter number | undefined

This option contains the country postal filter.

AbbreviationFormat number | undefined

This option contains the abbreviation format.


This typedef specifies the options needed for the constructor and get functions of the alk.service.POICategoriesSingleSearchService.

Name Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

codes Array.<string> | string

This option specifies the FIPS codes for counties in the search.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.




Name Type Argument Description
source alk.source.POISource | undefined <optional>

This option contains the vector source for the Points of Interest. This option is mutually exclusive with poiServiceOptions.

poiServiceOptions alkx.POIServiceOptions | undefined <optional>

This option contains the options that are given to the underlying alk.service.POIService to retrieve the Points Of Interest.

renderOrder ol.RenderOrderFunction | null | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Render Order. Function to be used when sorting features before rendering. By default features are drawn in the order that they are created. Use null to avoid the sort, but get an undefined draw order. Required.

The default order of creation is, route lines, then stops in order from origin to destination.

minResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The minimum resolution (inclusive) at which this layer will be visible.

maxResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The maximum resolution (exclusive) below which this layer will be visible.

opacity number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Opacity (0, 1). Default is 1.

declutter boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Declutter images and text. Decluttering is applied to all image and text styles, and the priority is defined by the z-index of the style. Lower z-index means higher priority. Default is false.

renderBuffer number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The buffer around the viewport extent used by the renderer when getting features from the vector source for the rendering or hit-detection. Recommended value: the size of the largest symbol, line width, or label. Default is 100 pixels.

map ol.PluggableMap | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Sets the layer as overlay on a map. The map will not manage this layer in its layers collection, and the layer will be rendered on top. This is useful for temporary layers. The standard way to add a layer to a map and have it managed by the map is to use ol.Map#addLayer.

style | | Array.<> | | Array.<> | ol.StyleFunction | undefined <optional>

This option specifies the style or style function to be used in drawing the points of interest. The default is to use a object that labels points of interest with their POI category.

If it is anything else, the style is passed to the ol.layer.Vector for default styling.

updateWhileAnimating boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

When set to true, feature batches will be recreated during animations. This means that no vectors will be shown clipped, but the setting will have a performance impact for large amounts of vector data. When set to false, batches will be recreated when no animation is active. Default is false.

updateWhileInteracting boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

When set to true, feature batches will be recreated during interactions. See also updateWhileAnimating.

visible boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Visibility. Default is true (visible).

zIndex number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The z-index for layer rendering. At rendering time, the layers will be ordered, first by Z-index and then by position. The default Z-index is 0.


Name Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

center Array.<number> | string

This option contains the center of the search.

radius number | string

This option contains the radius in radiusUnits of the search.

radiusUnits alk.val.DistanceUnits | number | string

This option contains the units with which to interpret the radius option.

nameFilter string

The results will be filtered by a likeness to this name;

poiCategories Array.<string> | string

This options specifies the Points of Interest categories with which to restrict the search. Their values must come from the alk.service.POICategoriesSingleSearchService.



Name Type Argument Description
poiServiceOptions alk.service.POIService

This option contains the POI service options with which to create the POIService used internally.

strategy alk.source.LoadStrategy

This option specifies the load strategy for the POI vector source. The default is the alk.source.SubtractionLoadStrategy, which tries to only load necessary extents with resolution limits between 1 and 1000 meters per pixel.

wrapX boolean | undefined <optional>

Wrap the world horizontally. Default is true. For vector editing across the -180° and 180° meridians to work properly, this should be set to false. The resulting geometry coordinates will then exceed the world bounds.



This typedef specifies the options needed for the constructor and get functions of the alk.service.PolygonsCountyService.

Name Type Argument Description
polygonsCountyService alk.service.PolygonsCountyService | undefined <optional>

This option contains the service with which to get the polygons for county codes. If this option is undefined, then one is created with the polygonsCountyServiceOptions.

polygonsCountyServiceOptions alkx.PolygonsCountyServiceOptions | undefined <optional>

This option contains the options for creating the alk.service.PolygonsCountyService with which to get the polygons for county codes.


This typedef specifies the options needed for the constructor and get functions of the alk.service.PolygonsCountyService.

Name Type Argument Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

codes Array.<string> | string

This option specifies the FIPS codes for counties in the search.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.

requestId number | string | undefined <optional>

This option contains a caller provided id that will be residing on the options when the call is returned. This parameter helps identify the request. It does not get transmitted to the server.


This structure types the return from the ALK Polygons County call.



Name Type Description
locationsReverseServiceOptions alkx.LocationsReverseServiceOptions

This option contains the options for the creation of the underling alk.service.LocationsReverseServiceOptions object.


This typedef specifies the options needed for the constructor and get functions of the alk.geocode.ReverseGeocoder#reverseGeocode method.

Name Type Argument Description
lonLat Array.<number> | string | undefined <optional>

This option specifies the coordinates in the search.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | undefined <optional>

This option specifies to the service where to get the data. Depending on the coordinates or search criteria the search may be restricted to certain datasets.

region alk.val.Region | undefined <optional>

This option specifies the region in which to search.


This type describes the response from the alk.geocode.Geocoder#geocode call.


Name Type Argument Description
sourceOptions alkx.RoadSurfaceTileSourceOptions | undefined <optional>

This option contains the options that are given to the underlying alk.service.RoadSurfaceTileSource to create the route.

opacity number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Opacity (0, 1). Default is 1.

preload number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Preload. Load low-resolution tiles up to preload levels. By default preload is 0, which means no preloading.

map ol.PluggableMap | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Sets the layer as overlay on a map. The map will not manage this layer in its layers collection, and the layer will be rendered on top. This is useful for temporary layers. The standard way to add a layer to a map and have it managed by the map is to use ol.Map#addLayer.

visible boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Visibility. Default is true (visible).

extent ol.Extent | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The bounding extent for layer rendering. The layer will not be rendered outside of this extent.

minResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The minimum resolution (inclusive) at which this layer will be visible.

maxResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The maximum resolution (exclusive) below which this layer will be visible.

useInterimTilesOnError boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Use interim tiles on error. Default is true.


Name Type Argument Description
source alk.source.Route | undefined <optional>

This option contains the alk.source.Route for the layer. alk.service.RoadSurfaceRouteService to create the route.

routeServiceOptions alkx.RoadSurfaceRouteServiceOptions | undefined <optional>

This option contains the options that are given to the underlying alk.service.RoadSurfaceRouteService to create the route.

frameRoute boolean | undefined <optional>

This option specifies when the to the underlying alk.service.RoadSurfaceRouteService completes successfully, the map will zoom and center to fit the extent of its features.

renderOrder ol.RenderOrderFunction | null | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Render Order. Function to be used when sorting features before rendering. By default features are drawn in the order that they are created. Use null to avoid the sort, but get an undefined draw order. Required.

The default order of creation is, route lines, then stops in order from origin to destination.

minResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The minimum resolution (inclusive) at which this layer will be visible.

maxResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The maximum resolution (exclusive) below which this layer will be visible.

opacity number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Opacity (0, 1). Default is 1.

renderBuffer number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The buffer around the viewport extent used by the renderer when getting features from the vector source for the rendering or hit-detection. Recommended value: the size of the largest symbol, line width, or label. Default is 100 pixels.

map ol.PluggableMap | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Sets the layer as overlay on a map. The map will not manage this layer in its layers collection, and the layer will be rendered on top. This is useful for temporary layers. The standard way to add a layer to a map and have it managed by the map is to use ol.Map#addLayer.

style | | Array.<> | ol.StyleFunction | undefined <optional>

This option specifies the style or style function to be used in drawing the road surface along the route. The default is to use a

If the style is a it is used directly. All others result in creating a with the given style.

If it is anything else, the style is passed to the ol.layer.Vector for default styling.

updateWhileAnimating boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

When set to true, feature batches will be recreated during animations. This means that no vectors will be shown clipped, but the setting will have a performance impact for large amounts of vector data. When set to false, batches will be recreated when no animation is active. Default is false.

updateWhileInteracting boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

When set to true, feature batches will be recreated during interactions. See also updateWhileAnimating.

visible boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Visibility. Default is true (visible).


This typedef describes the options given to the alk.service.RoadSurfaceRouteService.

Name Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

hourOffset number | string

This option tells the service the hour offset in which to return image data or tiles. TODO: Better description.

provider alk.val.Provider | number | string

This option tells the service the provider in which to return image data or tiles. The options are Default or RC1.

routePath Array.<Array.<number>>

This option tells the service the route for which to get the road conditions.

routeDuration number | string

This option tells the service the duration route for which to get the road conditions.


This structure types the return from the alk.service.RouteService#get call.

Name Type Description
roadSurfaceRouteServiceOptions alkx.RoadSurfaceRouteServiceOptions

This property contains the combined options for a call to the ALK Road Surface Route Service that generated the associated feature collection from the response from the service.

featureCollection ol.Collection.<ol.Feature> | undefined

This property contains the result of a ALK Road Surface Route Service call from the associated options. It is a collection containing features that are LineStrings, each representing a single contiguous and continuous road condition.

If a Road Surface Route Service call was unsuccessful, this property will be undefined.


Name Type Argument Description
roadSurfaceRouteServiceOptions alkx.RoadSurfaceRouteServiceOptions | undefined <optional>

This option contains the options that are given to the underlying alk.service.RoadSurfaceRouteService to create the route.


This typedef describes the options given to the alk.service.RoadSurfaceTileService.

Name Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

format alk.val.Format | number

This option tells the Service in which format to deliver its image data.

height number | string

This option tells the service the height in which to return image data or tiles. The value is in pixels.

imgOption alk.val.ImgOption | number | string

This option tells the service which way to deliver the image data. Available values are 'Background', 'Foreground', and 'Both'.

imgSrc alk.val.ImgSrc | number | string

This option tells the service from where to get its image data. The available names, such as 'Sat1' and 'Sat2', have specific designations with ALK. Please see {TODO: Need Reference Here} for a current description.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.

srs alk.val.SRS | number | string

This option tells the service the particular projection that is used any GIS data given to the service.

style alk.val.Style | number | string

This option tells the service the style of map that is requested. ALK has a number of different map styles, such as alk.val.Style.Night, and alk.val.Style.Terrain.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

width number | string

This option tells the service the width in which to return image data or tiles. The value is in pixels.

hourOffset number | string

This option tells the service the hour offset in which to return image data or tiles. TODO: Better description.

provider alk.val.Provider | number | string

This option tells the service the provider in which to return image data or tiles. The options are Default or RC1.


Name Type Argument Description
serviceOptions alkx.RoadSurfaceTileServiceOptions | undefined <optional>
attributions ol.AttributionLike | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.


cacheSize number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Cache size. Default is 2048.

extent ol.Extent | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

It contains the map extent in which the source is relevant.

crossOrigin null | string | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images. Note that you must provide a crossOrigin value if you are using the WebGL renderer or if you want to access pixel data with the Canvas renderer. See [] for more detail.

opaque boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Whether the layer is opaque.

projection ol.ProjectionLike | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

This options contains the projection with which to interpret other options, such as the extent.

maxZoom number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Optional maximum zoom level. Default is 20 (ALK specific).

minZoom number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Optional minimum zoom level. Default is 0.

tileGrid ol.tilegrid.TileGrid | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Tile Grid.

tileLoadFunction ol.TileLoadFunctionType | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Optional function to load a tile given a URL. The default is function(imageTile, src) { imageTile.getImage().src = src; };

tilePixelRatio number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

The pixel ratio used by the tile service. For example, if the tile service advertises 256px by 256px tiles but actually sends 512px by 512px images (for retina/hidpi devices) then tilePixelRatio should be set to 2. Default is 1.

tileSize number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

The tile size used by the tile service. Default is [256, 256] pixels.

tileUrlFunction ol.TileUrlFunctionType | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Optional function to get tile URL given a tile coordinate and the projection. Required if url or urls are not provided.

reprojectionErrorThreshold number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Maximum allowed reprojection error (in pixels). Default is 0.5. Higher values may increase reprojection performance, but decrease precision.

wrapX boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Whether to wrap the world horizontally. The default, undefined, is to request out-of-bounds tiles from the server. When set to false, only one world will be rendered. When set to true, tiles will be requested for one world only, but they will be wrapped horizontally to render multiple worlds.

transition number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Duration of the opacity transition for rendering. To disable the opacity transition, pass transition: 0.


This typedef contains all the options that are given to alkx.api.RoutePathService objects and their subclasses.

Name Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

srs alk.val.SRS | number | string

This option tells the service the particular projection that is used any GIS data given to the service.

routePathRequest alkx.route.RoutePathRequest | string

This option contains the full route path request to give to the alk.service.RoutePathService. It can be an object, which is the request, or a JSON.stringified version of it.


This typedef contains all the options that are given to alkx.service.RouteReportsService objects and their subclasses.

Name Type Argument Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.

srs alk.val.SRS | number | string

This option tells the service the particular projection that is used any GIS data given to the service.

routeId string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

stops Array.<Array.<number>>

This option contains the stops that the route is to travel along. It is supplied in Spherical Mercator unless, specified by the 'srs' option. It contains an ordered array of coordinates from origin to destination.

stopCosts Array.<(alkx.StopCost|string)> | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

vehicleType alk.val.VehicleType | number | string

This option tells the service the type of vehicle that is requesting the route.

routeType alk.val.RouteType | number | string

This option tells the service the type of the route requested. It can be alk.val.RouteType.Practical or alk.val.RouteType.Shortest.

highwayOnly boolean | number | string

This option tells the service to generate a route that will travel mostly along highways.

customRoadSpeeds string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

avoidFavors boolean | number | string

This option tells the service whether or not to use avoids and favors while routing.

overrideClass Array.<(alk.val.OverrideClass|number)> | string

This option tells the service the classes of vehicle travel. Such as alk.val.OverrideClass.NationalNetwork or alk.val.OverrideClass.FiftyThreeFoot.

distanceUnits alk.val.DistanceUnits | number | string

This option tells the service that any distance measurements will be delivered in these units, such as alk.val.DistanceUnits.Kilometers or alk.val.DistanceUnits.Miles.

fuelUnits alk.val.FuelUnits | number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

avoidTolls boolean | number | string

This option tells the service to avoid toll roads and bridges while creating the route.

includeFerryDistance boolean | number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

openBorders boolean | number | string

This option tells the service if the borders are open for travel.

overrideRestrict boolean | number | string

This option tells the service whether to override truck restrictions.

hazMat alk.val.HazMat | number | string

This option tells the service the hazardous material type.

routeOptimization alk.val.RouteOptimization | number | string

This option tells the service what level of route optimization to perform. Use 'routeOpt'.

language alk.val.Language | string

This option tells the service the particular language for the results.

hubRouting boolean | number | string

This option tells the service if 'hub routing' is in effect. This means that the starting stop is the hub. The last stop is in effect, not a destination, but a turn around point.

vehicleDimensionUnits alk.val.VehicleDimensionUnits | number | string

This option tells the service in what units, metric or otherwise, the vehicle measurements are presented. Can be either

vehicleHeight number | string

This option contains the height measurement of the vehicle.

vehicleLength number | string

This option contains the length measurement of the vehicle.

vehicleWidth number | string

This option contains the width measurement of the vehicle.

vehicleWeight number | string

This option contains the weight measurement of the vehicle.

axles number | string

This option contains the number of axles on the vehicle.

truckConfig alk.val.TruckConfig | number | string

This option specifies the particular vehicle configuration, such as alk.val.TruckConfig.FullSizeVan, etc.

lcv boolean | number | string

This option tells whether the truck is a multi-trailer or longer combination vehicle.

reports Array.<(alk.val.Report|number)> | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

condenseDirections boolean | number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

reportFormat alk.val.ReportFormat | number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

includeTollData boolean | number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

fuelEconomyLoad number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

fuelEconomyEmpty number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

costPerFuelUnit number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

costGreenHouseGas number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

costMaintenanceLoad number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

costMaintenanceEmpty number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

costTimeLoad number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

costTimeEmpty number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

tollCurrency alk.val.TollCurrency | number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

exchangeRate number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

tollPlan Array.<(alk.val.TollPlan|number)> | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

citeInterval number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

estimatedTimeOpts string

This option contains the parameter for the estimated time optimizations. This option only affects routing when roads have time based restrictions. Format is described by this BNF notation:

  • fmt ::= DA ('|' Time)?
  • Time :: = DayTime | SpecificDateTime
  • DA ::= 'Depart' | 'Arrive'
  • DayOfWeek ::= 'Monday' | 'Tuesday' | ... | 'Sunday';
  • DayTime ::= DayOfWeek '|' TimeOfDay ('|' TimeZone)?
  • SpecificDateTime ::= YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS ('|' TimeZone)?

Examples are: -- Arrive|Monday|18:53|Local -- Depart|2016-04-23T09:43:20|Local -- Arrive (meaning system time)

breakInterval number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

breakLength number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

borderWait number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

remainingHoursOfService number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

useTraffic boolean | number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

tHoursWithSeconds number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

urgency alk.val.Urgency | number | string

This option specifies a search filter on the Urgency. Default is alk.val.Urgency.All.

severity alk.val.Severity | number | string

This option specifies a search filter on the Severity. Default is alk.val.Severity.All.

certainty alk.val.Certainty | number | string

This option specifies a search filter on the Certainty. Default is alk.val.Certainty.All.

eventNames Array.<string> | string

This option specifies a search filter on the event names, such as ["Winter Storm Warning", "Flood Watch"].

elevationLimit number | string

This option tells the service the distance above sea level to keep the route. Its value is interpreted according to the 'distanceUnits' option.

ferryDiscourage boolean | number | string

This option tells the service to avoid ferries when creating the route.

hosEnabled boolean | number | string

This option enables insertion of Hours Of Service Stops.

hosRemDriveTimeUntilBreak number | string

This option indicates the available driving hours at the origin before the driver needs to take a rest break.

hosRemDriveTime number | string

This option indicates the available driving hours at the origin until the end of the workday.

hosRemOnDutyTime number | string

This option indicates the available 'On-Duty' hours at the origin until the end of the work day.

hosRemCycleDutyTime number | string

This option indicates the available 'Cycle Time Duty' hours available at the origin until a cycle reset.

sideOfStreetAdherence number | string

This option indicates the strictness in avoiding the opposite side of the street at the destination. TODO: What is the number range? 0-1?

governorSpeedLimit number | string

This option tells the service the maximum average road speed to use in route calculations that overrides all other road speeds when the are above this value. Default is disabled and valid values are between 1 and 100mph. TODO: Is this always in MPH when distanceUnits is Kilometers?


This type describes the response from the alk.service.RouteReportsService#get call.


This typedef contains all the options that are given to alk.service.RouteService objects and their subclasses.

Name Type Argument Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.

srs alk.val.SRS | number | string

This option tells the service the particular projection that is used any GIS data given to the service.

stops Array.<Array.<number>>

This option contains the stops that the route is to travel along. It is supplied in Spherical Mercator unless, specified by the 'srs' option. It contains an ordered array of coordinates from origin to destination.

stopTypes Array.<alk.val.StopType> | Object.<number, alk.val.StopType>

This option contains an ordered array or indexed object map of the types of each stop given in the 'stops' option.

vehicleType alk.val.VehicleType | number | string

This option tells the service the type of vehicle that is requesting the route.

routeType alk.val.RouteType | number | string

This option tells the service the type of the route requested. It can be alk.val.RouteType.Practical or alk.val.RouteType.Shortest.

highwayOnly boolean | number | string

This option tells the service to generate a route that will travel mostly along highways.

avoidFavors boolean | number | string

This option tells the service whether or not to use avoids and favors while routing.

overrideClass Array.<(alk.val.OverrideClass|number)> | string

This option tells the service the classes of vehicle travel. Such as alk.val.OverrideClass.NationalNetwork or alk.val.OverrideClass.FiftyThreeFoot.

distanceUnits alk.val.DistanceUnits | number | string

This option tells the service that any distance measurements will be delivered in these units, such as alk.val.DistanceUnits.Kilometers or alk.val.DistanceUnits.Miles.

avoidTolls boolean | number | string

This option tells the service to avoid toll roads and bridges while creating the route.

openBorders boolean | number | string

This option tells the service if the borders are open for travel.

overrideRestrict boolean | number | string

This option tells the service whether to override truck restrictions.

hazMat alk.val.HazMat | number | string

This option tells the service the hazardous material type.

routeOpt alk.val.RouteOptimization | string | undefined <optional>

This option tells the service the level of route optimization to use.

hubRouting boolean | number | string

This option tells the service if 'hub routing' is in effect. This means that the starting stop is the hub. The last stop is in effect, not a destination, but a turn around point.

vehicleDimensionUnits alk.val.VehicleDimensionUnits | number | string

This option tells the service in what units, metric or otherwise, the vehicle measurements are presented. Can be either

vehicleHeight number | string

This option contains the height measurement of the vehicle.

vehicleLength number | string

This option contains the length measurement of the vehicle.

vehicleWidth number | string

This option contains the width measurement of the vehicle.

vehicleWeight number | string

This option contains the weight measurement of the vehicle.

axles number | string

This option contains the number of axles on the vehicle.

truckConfig alk.val.TruckConfig | number | string

This option specifies the particular vehicle configuration, such as alk.val.TruckConfig.FullSizeVan, etc.

lcv boolean | number | string

This option tells whether the truck is a multi-trailer or longer combination vehicle.

estimatedTimeOpts string

This option contains the parameter for the estimated time optimizations. This option only affects routing when roads have time based restrictions. Format is described by this BNF notation:

  • fmt ::= DA ('|' Time)?
  • Time :: = DayTime | SpecificDateTime
  • DA ::= 'Depart' | 'Arrive'
  • DayOfWeek ::= 'Monday' | 'Tuesday' | ... | 'Sunday';
  • DayTime ::= DayOfWeek '|' TimeOfDay ('|' TimeZone)?
  • SpecificDateTime ::= YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS ('|' TimeZone)?

Examples are: -- Arrive|Monday|18:53|Local -- Depart|2016-04-23T09:43:20|Local -- Arrive (meaning system time)

stopsAsViaPoints boolean | number | string

This option tells the service that all stops in between the origin and the destination are to be treated as not a stop, but a via point.

reduceResponsePoints boolean | number | string

This option tells the service whether to reduce the number of response points.

elevationLimit number | string

This option tells the service the distance above sea level to keep the route. Its value is interpreted according to the 'distanceUnits' option.

afSetIds Array.<(string|number)> | string

This option lists the avoid/favor sets to the route.

ferryDiscourage boolean | number | string

This option tells the service to avoid ferries when creating the route.

hosEnabled boolean | number | string

This option enables insertion of Hours Of Service Stops.

hosRuleType alk.val.HosRuleType | number | string

This option indicates the hours of service rule to use. Valid values are alk.val.HosRuleType.USFed607H or alk.val.HosRuleType.USFed708H for US Federal Long Haul rules.

hosRemDriveTimeUntilBreak number | string

This option indicates the available driving hours at the origin before the driver needs to take a rest break.

hosRemDriveTime number | string

This option indicates the available driving hours at the origin until the end of the workday.

hosRemOnDutyTime number | string

This option indicates the available 'On-Duty' hours at the origin until the end of the work day.

hosRemCycleDutyTime number | string

This option indicates the available 'Cycle Time Duty' hours available at the origin until a cycle reset.

sideOfStreetAdherence number | string

This option indicates the strictness in avoiding the opposite side of the street at the destination. TODO: What is the number range? 0-1?

governorSpeedLimit number | string

This option tells the service the maximum average road speed to use in route calculations that overrides all other road speeds when the are above this value. Default is disabled and valid values are between 1 and 100mph. TODO: Is this always in MPH when distanceUnits is Kilometers?

tollDiscourage boolean | number | string

This option tells the service to avoid tolls. Use 'avoidTolls'.

classOverrides Array.<(alk.val.OverrideClass|number)> | string

This option tells the service the travel class overrides. Use 'classOverrides'.

routingType alk.val.RouteType | number | string

This option tells the route type. See alkx.RouteServiceOptions#routeType.

hazMatType alk.val.HazMat | number | string

This option tells the service the HazMat conditions in effect. Use 'hazMat'.

trkUnits alk.val.VehicleDimensionUnits | number | string

This option contains the measurement units for the vehicle. Use 'vehicleDimensionUnits'.

trkHeight number | string

This option contains the height of the vehicle. Use 'vehicleHeight'.

trkLength number | string

This option contains the length of the vehicle. Use 'vehicleLength'.

trkWidth number | string

This option contains the width of the vehicle. Use 'vehicleWidth'.

trkWeight number | string

This option contains the weight of the vehicle. Use 'vehicleHeight'.

trkAxles number | string

This option contains the number of axles on the vehicle. Use 'axles'.

trkLCV boolean | number | string

This option indicates whether the vehicle is a multi-trailer or longer combination. Use 'lcv'.

routeOptimization alk.val.RouteOptimization | number | string

This option tells the service what level of route optimization to perform. Use 'routeOpt'.


This structure types the return from the alk.service.RouteService#get call.

Name Type Description
routeId string | undefined

This property holds the routeId for the route request in a alk.layer.MultiRoutingLayer. If this response was not processed by a MultiRoutingLayer, it will be undefined.

routeServiceOptions alkx.RouteServiceOptions

This property contains the combined options for a call to the ALK Route Service that generated the associated GeoJSON response from the service.

geoJSON Object | undefined

This property contains the result of a ALK Route Service call from the associated options. It is generally a Feature Collection containing Features that are the stops, and the multi-line string containing the route.

If a Route Service call was unsuccessful, this property will be undefined.

distance number | undefined

This property contains the result of the ALK Route Service call from the associated options. It is the distance (in DistanceUnits) of driving the entire route. If a Route Service call was unsuccessful, this property will be undefined.

minutes number | undefined

This property contains the result of the ALK Route Service call from the associated options. It is the estimated time, in minutes, duration of driving the entire route. If a Route Service call was unsuccessful, this property will be undefined.


Name Type Argument Description
routeServiceOptions alkx.RouteServiceOptions | undefined <optional>

This option contains the options that are given to the underlying alk.service.RouteService to create the route.


Name Type Argument Description
source alkx.RouteServiceOptions | undefined <optional>

This option contains the alk.source.Route for the layer. alk.service.RouteService to create the route.

routeServiceOptions alkx.RouteServiceOptions | undefined <optional>

This option contains the options that are given to the underlying alk.service.RouteService to create the route.

frameRoute boolean | undefined <optional>

This option specifies when the to the underlying alk.service.RouteService completes successfully, the map will zoom and center to fit the extent of its features.

renderOrder ol.RenderOrderFunction | null | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Render Order. Function to be used when sorting features before rendering. By default features are drawn in the order that they are created. Use null to avoid the sort, but get an undefined draw order. Required.

The default order of creation is, route lines, then stops in order from origin to destination.

minResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The minimum resolution (inclusive) at which this layer will be visible.

maxResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The maximum resolution (exclusive) below which this layer will be visible.

opacity number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Opacity (0, 1). Default is 1.

declutter boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Declutter images and text. Decluttering is applied to all image and text styles, and the priority is defined by the z-index of the style. Lower z-index means higher priority. Default is false.

renderBuffer number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The buffer around the viewport extent used by the renderer when getting features from the vector source for the rendering or hit-detection. Recommended value: the size of the largest symbol, line width, or label. Default is 100 pixels.

map ol.PluggableMap | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Sets the layer as overlay on a map. The map will not manage this layer in its layers collection, and the layer will be rendered on top. This is useful for temporary layers. The standard way to add a layer to a map and have it managed by the map is to use ol.Map#addLayer.

style | | Array.<> | | Array.<> | ol.StyleFunction | undefined <optional>

This option specifies the style or style function to be used in drawing the stops and route. The default is to use a object that labels stops according to their stop type and draws the route lines in between.

If the style is a it is used directly. All others result in creating a with the given style. If the style is a it creates a StopsRouteStyle with this StrokeQueue. This approach allows you to direct which colors are drawn for routes on different routing layers.

If the style is a single stroke, it sets up a StrokeQueue containing that stroke. If it is an array of Strokes, it sets up a StrokeQueue containing those strokes.

If it is anything else, the style is passed to the ol.layer.Vector for default styling.

updateWhileAnimating boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

When set to true, feature batches will be recreated during animations. This means that no vectors will be shown clipped, but the setting will have a performance impact for large amounts of vector data. When set to false, batches will be recreated when no animation is active. Default is false.

updateWhileInteracting boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

When set to true, feature batches will be recreated during interactions. See also updateWhileAnimating.

visible boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Visibility. Default is true (visible).

zIndex number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The z-index for layer rendering. At rendering time, the layers will be ordered, first by Z-index and then by position. The default Z-index is 0.


This typedef specifies the options needed for the constructor and get functions of the alk.service.SearchSingleSearchService.

Name Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

codes Array.<string> | string

This option specifies the FIPS codes for counties in the search.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.

maxResults number | string

This option specifies the max number of results to return. It must be between 1 and 100, inclusive.

countryType string

This option specifies the country type abbreviation the countries parameter is using.

countries Array.<string> | string

This option specifies the countries for the search. They must be in the form specified by the countryType parameter.

states Array.<string> | string

This option specifies the states with which to restrict the search. Their values must come from the "Abbrev" attribute of states returned from the alk.service.StatesSingleSearchService.

excludeSearchTypes Array.<string> | string

This option specifies the search types to exclude when analysing the query of the search. Their values must come from the alk.service.SearchTypesSingleSearchService.

poiCategories Array.<string> | string

This options specifies the Points of Interest categories with which to restrict the search. Their values must come from the alk.service.POICategoriesSingleSearchService.

coords Array.<string> | string

This options specifies the coordinates with which to restrict the search. The projection must be EPSG:4356.



This typedef specifies the options needed for the constructor and get functions of the alk.service.SearchTypesSingleSearchService.

Name Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

codes Array.<string> | string

This option specifies the FIPS codes for counties in the search.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.


The response returned from a call to the alk.service.SearchTypesSingleSearchService#get call.

Name Type Description
searchTypesSingleSearchServiceOptions alkx.SearchTypesSingleSearchServiceOptions

The options that were used to make the call.

result alkx.SearchTypesSingleSearchServiceResult

The result of the request.


The result returned from a alk.service.SearchTypesSingleSearchService#get call.

Name Type Description
POICategories Array.<string>

An array of POI Categories alk.val.POICategories string values.

Err Array.<string>

An error number.

ErrString Array.<string>

An error description.


This typedef specifies the 'catch all' object for options needed for for various subclasses of alk.service.Service.

Name Type Argument Description
afSetIds Array.<(string|number)> | string

This option lists the avoid/favor sets to the route.

apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

avoidFavors boolean | number | string

This option tells the service whether or not to use avoids and favors while routing.

avoidTolls boolean | number | string

This option tells the service to avoid toll roads and bridges while creating the route.

axles number | string

This option contains the number of axles on the vehicle.

boundingBox Array.<number> | string

This option holds the bounding box, or extent in which the items are requested.

center Array.<number> | string

This option contains the center of the search.

certainty alk.val.Certainty | number | string

This option specifies a search filter on the Certainty. Default is alk.val.Certainty.All.

city string

This option specifies the city that will be used to search.

citySearchFilter string

This option specifies the city search filter to use. TODO: Various values?

classOverrides Array.<(alk.val.OverrideClass|number)> | string

This option tells the service the travel class overrides. Use 'classOverrides'.

codes Array.<string> | string

This option specifies the FIPS codes for counties in the search.

coords Array.<string> | string

This options specifies the coordinates with which to restrict the search. The projection must be EPSG:4356.

countries Array.<string> | string

This option specifies the countries for the search. They must be in the form specified by the countryType parameter.

countryType string

This option specifies the country type abbreviation the countries parameter is using.

currentSpeed number | string

This option specifies speed of the vehicle in Miles Per Hour.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

display alk.val.Display | number | string

This option tells the service the display type in which to return image data or tiles.

distanceUnits alk.val.DistanceUnits | number | string

This option tells the service that any distance measurements will be delivered in these units, such as alk.val.DistanceUnits.Kilometers or alk.val.DistanceUnits.Miles.

drawerGroups Array.<(alk.val.DrawerGroup|number)> | string

The DrawerGroups parameter for the Service.

elevationLimit number | string

This option tells the service the distance above sea level to keep the route. Its value is interpreted according to the 'distanceUnits' option.

endTime string

The time before which to search for weather alerts. Use standard formats such as ISO8601("2015-08-29T13:45:30-07:00") or RFC1123("Sat, 29 Aug 2015 20:45:30 GMT").

estimatedTimeOpts string

This option contains the parameter for the estimated time optimizations. This option only affects routing when roads have time based restrictions. Format is described by this BNF notation:

  • fmt ::= DA ('|' Time)?
  • Time :: = DayTime | SpecificDateTime
  • DA ::= 'Depart' | 'Arrive'
  • DayOfWeek ::= 'Monday' | 'Tuesday' | ... | 'Sunday';
  • DayTime ::= DayOfWeek '|' TimeOfDay ('|' TimeZone)?
  • SpecificDateTime ::= YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS ('|' TimeZone)?

Examples are: -- Arrive|Monday|18:53|Local -- Depart|2016-04-23T09:43:20|Local -- Arrive (meaning system time)

eventNames Array.<string> | string

This option specifies a search filter on the event names, such as ["Winter Storm Warning", "Flood Watch"].

excludeSearchTypes Array.<string> | string

This option specifies the search types to exclude when analysing the query of the search. Their values must come from the alk.service.SearchTypesSingleSearchService.

ferryDiscourage boolean | number | string

This option tells the service to avoid ferries when creating the route.

format alk.val.Format | number

This option tells the Service in which format to deliver its image data.

governorSpeedLimit number | string

This option tells the service the maximum average road speed to use in route calculations that overrides all other road speeds when the are above this value. Default is disabled and valid values are between 1 and 100mph. TODO: Is this always in MPH when distanceUnits is Kilometers?

hazMat alk.val.HazMat | number | string

This option tells the service the hazardous material type.

hazMatType alk.val.HazMat | number | string

This option tells the service the HazMat conditions in effect. Use 'hazMat'.

heading string | number

This option specifies heading. The value is in degrees counter clockwise from East. East = 0, North = 90, West = 180 , South = 270.

height number | string

This option tells the service the height in which to return image data or tiles. The value is in pixels.

highwayOnly boolean | number | string

This option tells the service to generate a route that will travel mostly along highways.

histDay alk.val.HistDay | number | string

This option tells the service the history in which to return image data or tiles. TODO: Better description.

histTimeBin number | string

This option tells the service the history in which to return image data or tiles. TODO: Better description.

histTimeZone string

This option tells the service the history in which to return image data or tiles. TODO: Better description.

hosEnabled boolean | number | string

This option enables insertion of Hours Of Service Stops.

hosRemCycleDutyTime number | string

This option indicates the available 'Cycle Time Duty' hours available at the origin until a cycle reset.

hosRemDriveTime number | string

This option indicates the available driving hours at the origin until the end of the workday.

hosRemDriveTimeUntilBreak number | string

This option indicates the available driving hours at the origin before the driver needs to take a rest break.

hosRemOnDutyTime number | string

This option indicates the available 'On-Duty' hours at the origin until the end of the work day.

hosRuleType alk.val.HosRuleType | number | string

This option indicates the hours of service rule to use. Valid values are alk.val.HosRuleType.USFed607H or alk.val.HosRuleType.USFed708H for US Federal Long Haul rules.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

hourOffset number | string

This option tells the service the hour offset in which to return image data or tiles. TODO: Better description.

hubRouting boolean | number | string

This option tells the service if 'hub routing' is in effect. This means that the starting stop is the hub. The last stop is in effect, not a destination, but a turn around point.

identifier string

The string that identifies the camera.

imgOption alk.val.ImgOption | number | string

This option tells the service which way to deliver the image data. Available values are 'Background', 'Foreground', and 'Both'.

imgSrc alk.val.ImgSrc | number | string

This option tells the service from where to get its image data. The available names, such as 'Sat1' and 'Sat2', have specific designations with ALK. Please see {TODO: Need Reference Here} for a current description.

includeLinkInfo boolean | number | string

This option specifies the response to include link identifier information.

includePostedSpeedLimit boolean | number | string

This option specifies the response to include the posted speed limit information. Good only for ALK licenses that include speed limit.

language alk.val.Language | string

This option tells the service the particular language for the results.

lcv boolean | number | string

This option tells whether the truck is a multi-trailer or longer combination vehicle.

list number | string

This option tells the service how many results to return.

matchNamedRoadsOnly boolean | number | string

This option is tells the service that when it is looking up coordinates to force reverse geocoding to match named roads only.

maxCleanupMiles number | string

This option is tells the service that when it is looking up coordinates sets maximum radius in which to find the closest matching road.

maxResults number | string

This option specifies the max number of results to return. It must be between 1 and 100, inclusive.

minutes number | string

This option contains the number of driving minutes, with which to size the polygon.

nameFilter string

The results will be filtered by a likeness to this name;

openBorders boolean | number | string

This option tells the service if the borders are open for travel.

overrideClass Array.<(alk.val.OverrideClass|number)> | string

This option tells the service the classes of vehicle travel. Such as alk.val.OverrideClass.NationalNetwork or alk.val.OverrideClass.FiftyThreeFoot.

overrideRestrict boolean | number | string

This option tells the service whether to override truck restrictions.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

poiCategories Array.<string> | string

This options specifies the Points of Interest categories with which to restrict the search. Their values must come from the alk.service.POICategoriesSingleSearchService.

point Array.<number> | string

TODO: What does point mean for WeatherAlerts.

postCode string

This option contains the postal code to use in the search.

postCodeFilter string

This option contains the postal code filter to use in the search. The service uses this option to filter zip codes by country. For example, use 'US' to indicate US zip codes only. Use 'EM' to indicate Mexican postal codes only. Use a sequence of country codes for multiple. TODO: Are they separated by commas?

provider alk.val.Provider | number | string

This option tells the service the provider in which to return image data or tiles. The options are Default or RC1.

pt1 Array.<number> | string

This option pertains to only those services that return single images where the options pt1 and pt2 represent the NorthWest and SouthEast coordinates,respectively. This option holds the NorthWest coordinate.

pt2 Array.<number> | string | undefined <optional>

This option pertains to only those services that return single images where the options pt1 and pt2 represent the NorthWest and SouthEast coordinates,respectively. This option holds the SouthEast coordinate.

radius number | string

This option contains the radius in radiusUnits of the search.

radiusUnits alk.val.DistanceUnits | number | string

This option contains the units with which to interpret the radius option.

reduceResponsePoints boolean | number | string

This option tells the service whether to reduce the number of response points.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.

requestId number | string | undefined <optional>

This option contains a caller provided id that will be residing on the options when the call is returned. This parameter helps identify the request. It does not get transmitted to the server.

routeDuration number | string

This option tells the service the duration route for which to get the road conditions.

routeOpt alk.val.RouteOptimization | string | undefined <optional>

This option tells the service the level of route optimization to use.

routeOptimization alk.val.RouteOptimization | number | string

This option tells the service what level of route optimization to perform. Use 'routeOpt'.

routePath Array.<Array.<number>>

This option tells the service the route for which to get the road conditions.

routePathRequest alkx.route.RoutePathRequest | string

This option contains the full route path request to give to the alk.service.RoutePathService. It can be an object, which is the request, or a JSON.stringified version of it.

routeType alk.val.RouteType | number | string

This option tells the service the type of the route requested. It can be alk.val.RouteType.Practical or alk.val.RouteType.Shortest.

routingType alk.val.RouteType | number | string

This option tells the route type. See alkx.RouteServiceOptions#routeType.

setId number | string

This option contains the setId that names to which the subsequent calls will pertain.

severity alk.val.Severity | number | string

This option specifies a search filter on the Severity. Default is alk.val.Severity.All.

sideOfStreetAdherence number | string

This option indicates the strictness in avoiding the opposite side of the street at the destination. TODO: What is the number range? 0-1?

splc string

This option contains the Standard Point Lookup Code. It is used in place of using street/city/state/zip.

srs alk.val.SRS | number | string

This option tells the service the particular projection that is used any GIS data given to the service.

startTime string

The time after which to search for weather alerts. Use standard formats such as ISO8601("2015-08-29T13:45:30-07:00") or RFC1123("Sat, 29 Aug 2015 20:45:30 GMT").

state string

This option contains the state (or provence) to use in the search.

states Array.<string> | string

This option specifies the states with which to restrict the search. Their values must come from the "Abbrev" attribute of states returned from the alk.service.StatesSingleSearchService.

stopTypes Array.<alk.val.StopType> | Object.<number, alk.val.StopType>

This option contains an ordered array or indexed object map of the types of each stop given in the 'stops' option.

stops Array.<Array.<number>>

This option contains the stops that the route is to travel along. It is supplied in Spherical Mercator unless, specified by the 'srs' option. It contains an ordered array of coordinates from origin to destination.

stopsAsViaPoints boolean | number | string

This option tells the service that all stops in between the origin and the destination are to be treated as not a stop, but a via point.

street string

This option contains the state (or provence) to use in the search.

strokeWidth number | string

This option tells the service the stroke width to use in drawing the traffic.

style alk.val.Style | number | string

This option tells the service the style of map that is requested. ALK has a number of different map styles, such as alk.val.Style.Night, and alk.val.Style.Terrain.

timeOffset string

This option tells the service the offset in time in which to return image weather data or tiles.

TODO: Format?

tollDiscourage boolean | number | string

This option tells the service to avoid tolls. Use 'avoidTolls'.

trkAxles number | string

This option contains the number of axles on the vehicle. Use 'axles'.

trkHeight number | string

This option contains the height of the vehicle. Use 'vehicleHeight'.

trkLCV boolean | number | string

This option indicates whether the vehicle is a multi-trailer or longer combination. Use 'lcv'.

trkLength number | string

This option contains the length of the vehicle. Use 'vehicleLength'.

trkUnits alk.val.VehicleDimensionUnits | number | string

This option contains the measurement units for the vehicle. Use 'vehicleDimensionUnits'.

trkWeight number | string

This option contains the weight of the vehicle. Use 'vehicleHeight'.

trkWidth number | string

This option contains the width of the vehicle. Use 'vehicleWidth'.

truckConfig alk.val.TruckConfig | number | string

This option specifies the particular vehicle configuration, such as alk.val.TruckConfig.FullSizeVan, etc.

urban boolean | number | string

This option specifies that the search is in an urban area.

urgency alk.val.Urgency | number | string

This option specifies a search filter on the Urgency. Default is alk.val.Urgency.All.

vehicleDimensionUnits alk.val.VehicleDimensionUnits | number | string

This option tells the service in what units, metric or otherwise, the vehicle measurements are presented. Can be either

vehicleHeight number | string

This option contains the height measurement of the vehicle.

vehicleLength number | string

This option contains the length measurement of the vehicle.

vehicleType alk.val.VehicleType | number | string

This option tells the service the type of vehicle that is requesting the route.

vehicleWeight number | string

This option contains the weight measurement of the vehicle.

vehicleWidth number | string

This option contains the width measurement of the vehicle.

width number | string

This option tells the service the width in which to return image data or tiles. The value is in pixels.

borderWait number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

breakInterval number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

breakLength number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

citeInterval number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

condenseDirections boolean | number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

costGreenHouseGas number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

costMaintenanceEmpty number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

costMaintenanceLoad number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

costPerFuelUnit number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

costTimeEmpty number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

costTimeLoad number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

customRoadSpeeds string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

exchangeRate number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

fuelEconomyEmpty number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

fuelEconomyLoad number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

fuelUnits alk.val.FuelUnits | number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

includeFerryDistance boolean | number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

includeTollData boolean | number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

remainingHoursOfService number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

reportFormat alk.val.ReportFormat | number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

reports Array.<(alk.val.Report|number)> | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

routeId string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

stopCosts Array.<(alkx.StopCost|string)> | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

tHoursWithSeconds number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

tollCurrency alk.val.TollCurrency | number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

tollPlan Array.<(alk.val.TollPlan|number)> | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description

useTraffic boolean | number | string | undefined <optional>

TODO: write description


Name Type Argument Description
singleSearchItemPopup alkx.SingleSearchLocation

The Single Search Location.

id number | string | undefined <optional>

Set the overlay id. The overlay id can be used with the ol.Map#getOverlayById method.

offset Array.<number> | undefined <optional>

Offsets in pixels used when positioning the overlay. The first element in the array is the horizontal offset. A positive value shifts the overlay right. The second element in the array is the vertical offset. A positive value shifts the overlay down. Default is [0, 0].

position ol.Coordinate | undefined <optional>

The overlay position in map projection.

positioning ol.OverlayPositioning | string | undefined <optional>

Defines how the overlay is actually positioned with respect to its position property. Possible values are 'bottom-left', 'bottom-center', 'bottom-right', 'center-left', 'center-center', 'center-right', 'top-left', 'top-center', and 'top-right'. Default is 'top-left'.

stopEvent boolean | undefined <optional>

Whether event propagation to the map viewport should be stopped. Default is true. If true the overlay is placed in the same container as that of the controls (CSS class name ol-overlaycontainer-stopevent); if false it is placed in the container with CSS class name ol-overlaycontainer.

insertFirst boolean | undefined <optional>

Whether the overlay is inserted first in the overlay container, or appended. Default is true. If the overlay is placed in the same container as that of the controls (see the stopEvent option) you will probably set insertFirst to true so the overlay is displayed below the controls.

autoPan boolean | undefined <optional>

If set to true the map is panned when calling setPosition, so that the overlay is entirely visible in the current viewport. The default is false.

autoPanAnimation olx.OverlayPanOptions | undefined <optional>

The animation options used to pan the overlay into view. This animation is only used when autoPan is enabled. A duration and easing may be provided to customize the animation.

autoPanMargin number | undefined <optional>

The margin (in pixels) between the overlay and the borders of the map when autopanning. The default is 20.


Name Type Argument Description
source alk.source.SingleSearch | undefined <optional>

This option contains the alk.source.SingleSearch for the layer.

singleSearchSourceOptions alkx.SingleSearchSourceOptions | undefined <optional>

This option contains the options that are given used to create the source internally.

frameSearchResults boolean | undefined <optional>

This option specifies when the search completes successfully, the map will zoom and center to fit the extent of its features.

renderOrder ol.RenderOrderFunction | null | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Render Order. Function to be used when sorting features before rendering. By default features are drawn in the order that they are created. Use null to avoid the sort, but get an undefined draw order. Required.

The default order of creation is, route lines, then stops in order from origin to destination.

minResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The minimum resolution (inclusive) at which this layer will be visible.

maxResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The maximum resolution (exclusive) below which this layer will be visible.

opacity number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Opacity (0, 1). Default is 1.

declutter boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Declutter images and text. Decluttering is applied to all image and text styles, and the priority is defined by the z-index of the style. Lower z-index means higher priority. Default is false.

renderBuffer number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The buffer around the viewport extent used by the renderer when getting features from the vector source for the rendering or hit-detection. Recommended value: the size of the largest symbol, line width, or label. Default is 100 pixels.

map ol.PluggableMap | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Sets the layer as overlay on a map. The map will not manage this layer in its layers collection, and the layer will be rendered on top. This is useful for temporary layers. The standard way to add a layer to a map and have it managed by the map is to use ol.Map#addLayer.

style | | Array.<> | ol.StyleFunction | undefined <optional>

This option specifies the style or style function to be used in drawing the road surface along the route. The default is to use a

If the style is a it is used directly. All others result in creating a with the given style.

If it is anything else, the style is passed to the ol.layer.Vector for default styling.

updateWhileAnimating boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

When set to true, feature batches will be recreated during animations. This means that no vectors will be shown clipped, but the setting will have a performance impact for large amounts of vector data. When set to false, batches will be recreated when no animation is active. Default is false.

updateWhileInteracting boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

When set to true, feature batches will be recreated during interactions. See also updateWhileAnimating.

visible boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Visibility. Default is true (visible).

zIndex number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The z-index for layer rendering. At rendering time, the layers will be ordered, first by Z-index and then by position. The default Z-index is 0.

zIndex number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The z-index for layer rendering. At rendering time, the layers will be ordered, first by Z-index and then by position. The default Z-index is 0.




There are no available options for this Interaction.



Name Type Argument Description
searchSingleSearchService alk.service.SearchSingleSearchService

This option contains the Search Single Search service with which to use for this source.

searchSingleSearchServiceOptions alkx.SearchSingleSearchServiceOptions

This option contains the Search Single Search service options with which to create internally for this source.

wrapX boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Whether to wrap the world horizontally. The default, undefined, is to request out-of-bounds tiles from the server. When set to false, only one world will be rendered. When set to true, tiles will be requested for one world only, but they will be wrapped horizontally to render multiple worlds.


This typedef specifies the options needed for the constructor and get functions of the alk.service.StatesSingleSearchService.

Name Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

codes Array.<string> | string

This option specifies the FIPS codes for counties in the search.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.






These options are specified for the SubtractionLoadStrategyOptions constructor.

Name Type Description
minResolution number

This option specifies the minimum resolution for which the load strategy will provide extents. The number is specified in meters per pixel.

maxResolution number

This option specifies the maximum resolution for which the load strategy will provide extents. The number is specified in meters per pixel.


These are the options that are supplied for the alk.layer.ImageTileLayer.

Name Type Argument Description
source alk.source.XYZSource

This option sets the ALK XYZ based source for this layer. Required.

opacity number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Opacity (0, 1). Default is 1.

preload number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Preload. Load low-resolution tiles up to preload levels. By default preload is 0, which means no preloading.

map ol.PluggableMap | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Sets the layer as overlay on a map. The map will not manage this layer in its layers collection, and the layer will be rendered on top. This is useful for temporary layers. The standard way to add a layer to a map and have it managed by the map is to use ol.Map#addLayer.

visible boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Visibility. Default is true (visible).

extent ol.Extent | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The bounding extent for layer rendering. The layer will not be rendered outside of this extent.

minResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The minimum resolution (inclusive) at which this layer will be visible.

maxResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The maximum resolution (exclusive) below which this layer will be visible.

useInterimTilesOnError boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Use interim tiles on error. Default is true.

zIndex number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The z-index for layer rendering. At rendering time, the layers will be ordered, first by Z-index and then by position. The default Z-index is 0.



Name Type Argument Description
trafficCameraMetadataService alk.service.TrafficCameraMetadataService | undefined <optional>

This option contains the Traffic Camera Metadata service.


This typedef specifies the options for the Weather Alert Service.

Name Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

identifier string

The string that identifies the camera.



Name Type Description
trafficCameraMetadataCache alk.source.TrafficCameraMetadataCache

This option contains the traffic camera meta data cache to use. If this option is undefined, one will be created with the trafficCameraMetadataService option.

trafficCameraMetadataService alk.service.TrafficCameraMetadataService

This option contains the traffic camera meta data service to use if no traffic camera meta data cache is supplied. If this option is undefined, a traffic camera meta data cache will be created with the default TrafficCameraMetadataService without options.


Name Type Argument Description
trafficCamera alkx.TrafficCameraMetadata

The Traffic Camera Spec.

id number | string | undefined <optional>

Set the overlay id. The overlay id can be used with the ol.Map#getOverlayById method.

offset Array.<number> | undefined <optional>

Offsets in pixels used when positioning the overlay. The first element in the array is the horizontal offset. A positive value shifts the overlay right. The second element in the array is the vertical offset. A positive value shifts the overlay down. Default is [0, 0].

position ol.Coordinate | undefined <optional>

The overlay position in map projection.

positioning ol.OverlayPositioning | string | undefined <optional>

Defines how the overlay is actually positioned with respect to its position property. Possible values are 'bottom-left', 'bottom-center', 'bottom-right', 'center-left', 'center-center', 'center-right', 'top-left', 'top-center', and 'top-right'. Default is 'top-left'.

stopEvent boolean | undefined <optional>

Whether event propagation to the map viewport should be stopped. Default is true. If true the overlay is placed in the same container as that of the controls (CSS class name ol-overlaycontainer-stopevent); if false it is placed in the container with CSS class name ol-overlaycontainer.

insertFirst boolean | undefined <optional>

Whether the overlay is inserted first in the overlay container, or appended. Default is true. If the overlay is placed in the same container as that of the controls (see the stopEvent option) you will probably set insertFirst to true so the overlay is displayed below the controls.

autoPan boolean | undefined <optional>

If set to true the map is panned when calling setPosition, so that the overlay is entirely visible in the current viewport. The default is false.

autoPanAnimation olx.OverlayPanOptions | undefined <optional>

The animation options used to pan the overlay into view. This animation is only used when autoPan is enabled. A duration and easing may be provided to customize the animation.

autoPanMargin number | undefined <optional>

The margin (in pixels) between the overlay and the borders of the map when autopanning. The default is 20.


Name Type Argument Description
trafficCamerasServiceOptions alkx.TrafficCamerasServiceOptions | undefined <optional>

This option contains the options that are given to create the underlying alk.source.TrafficCamerasSource and alk.service.TrafficCamerasService to retrieve the weather alerts.

This option is mutually exclusive with the 'source' option.

source alk.source.TrafficCamerasSource | ol.source.Cluster | undefined <optional>

This option contains the vector source for the Traffic Cameras. If clustering is desired, wrap the source in a ol.source.Cluster source. This option is mutually exclusive with trafficCamerasServiceOptions.

renderOrder ol.RenderOrderFunction | null | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Render Order. Function to be used when sorting features before rendering. By default features are drawn in the order that they are created. Use null to avoid the sort, but get an undefined draw order. Required.

The default order of creation is, route lines, then stops in order from origin to destination.

minResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The minimum resolution (inclusive) at which this layer will be visible.

maxResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The maximum resolution (exclusive) below which this layer will be visible.

opacity number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Opacity (0, 1). Default is 1.

declutter boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Declutter images and text. Decluttering is applied to all image and text styles, and the priority is defined by the z-index of the style. Lower z-index means higher priority. Default is false.

renderBuffer number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The buffer around the viewport extent used by the renderer when getting features from the vector source for the rendering or hit-detection. Recommended value: the size of the largest symbol, line width, or label. Default is 100 pixels.

map ol.PluggableMap | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Sets the layer as overlay on a map. The map will not manage this layer in its layers collection, and the layer will be rendered on top. This is useful for temporary layers. The standard way to add a layer to a map and have it managed by the map is to use ol.Map#addLayer.

style | | Array.<> | | Array.<> | ol.StyleFunction | undefined <optional>

This option specifies the style or style function to be used in drawing the weather alerts.

If it is anything else, the style is passed to the ol.layer.Vector for default styling.

updateWhileAnimating boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

When set to true, feature batches will be recreated during animations. This means that no vectors will be shown clipped, but the setting will have a performance impact for large amounts of vector data. When set to false, batches will be recreated when no animation is active. Default is false.

updateWhileInteracting boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

When set to true, feature batches will be recreated during interactions. See also updateWhileAnimating.

visible boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Visibility. Default is true (visible).

zIndex number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The z-index for layer rendering. At rendering time, the layers will be ordered, first by Z-index and then by position. The default Z-index is 0.



This typedef describes the options given to the alk.service.TrafficCamerasService.

Name Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.

srs alk.val.SRS | number | string

This option tells the service the particular projection that is used any GIS data given to the service.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

boundingBox Array.<number> | string

This option holds the bounding box, or extent in which the items are requested.



Name Type Argument Description
trafficCamerasService alk.service.TrafficCamerasService | undefined <optional>

This option supplies the TrafficCamerasService to use within this source. This option is mutually exclusive with the trafficCamerasServiceOptions options.

trafficCamerasServiceOptions alkx.TrafficCamerasServiceOptions | undefined <optional>

This option supplies the properties with which to create this source's internal alk.service.TrafficCamerasService. This option is mutually exclusive with the trafficCamerasSource option.

attributions ol.AttributionLike | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.


cacheSize number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Cache size. Default is 2048.

extent ol.Extent | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

It contains the map extent in which the source is relevant.

crossOrigin null | string | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images. Note that you must provide a crossOrigin value if you are using the WebGL renderer or if you want to access pixel data with the Canvas renderer. See [] for more detail.

opaque boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Whether the layer is opaque.

maxZoom number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Optional maximum zoom level. Default is 20 (ALK specific).

reprojectionErrorThreshold number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Maximum allowed reprojection error (in pixels). Default is 0.5. Higher values may increase reprojection performance, but decrease precision.

wrapX boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Whether to wrap the world horizontally. The default, undefined, is to request out-of-bounds tiles from the server. When set to false, only one world will be rendered. When set to true, tiles will be requested for one world only, but they will be wrapped horizontally to render multiple worlds.


There are no available options for this Interaction.


Name Type Argument Description
trafficIncident alkx.TrafficIncidentSpec

The Traffic Camera Spec.

id number | string | undefined <optional>

Set the overlay id. The overlay id can be used with the ol.Map#getOverlayById method.

offset Array.<number> | undefined <optional>

Offsets in pixels used when positioning the overlay. The first element in the array is the horizontal offset. A positive value shifts the overlay right. The second element in the array is the vertical offset. A positive value shifts the overlay down. Default is [0, 0].

position ol.Coordinate | undefined <optional>

The overlay position in map projection.

positioning ol.OverlayPositioning | string | undefined <optional>

Defines how the overlay is actually positioned with respect to its position property. Possible values are 'bottom-left', 'bottom-center', 'bottom-right', 'center-left', 'center-center', 'center-right', 'top-left', 'top-center', and 'top-right'. Default is 'top-left'.

stopEvent boolean | undefined <optional>

Whether event propagation to the map viewport should be stopped. Default is true. If true the overlay is placed in the same container as that of the controls (CSS class name ol-overlaycontainer-stopevent); if false it is placed in the container with CSS class name ol-overlaycontainer.

insertFirst boolean | undefined <optional>

Whether the overlay is inserted first in the overlay container, or appended. Default is true. If the overlay is placed in the same container as that of the controls (see the stopEvent option) you will probably set insertFirst to true so the overlay is displayed below the controls.

autoPan boolean | undefined <optional>

If set to true the map is panned when calling setPosition, so that the overlay is entirely visible in the current viewport. The default is false.

autoPanAnimation olx.OverlayPanOptions | undefined <optional>

The animation options used to pan the overlay into view. This animation is only used when autoPan is enabled. A duration and easing may be provided to customize the animation.

autoPanMargin number | undefined <optional>

The margin (in pixels) between the overlay and the borders of the map when autopanning. The default is 20.


Name Type Argument Description
trafficIncidentsServiceOptions alkx.TrafficIncidentsServiceOptions | undefined <optional>

This option contains the options that are given to create the underlying alk.source.TrafficIncidentsSource and alk.service.TrafficIncidentsService to retrieve the weather alerts.

This option is mutually exclusive with the 'source' option.

source alk.source.TrafficIncidentsSource | ol.source.Cluster | undefined <optional>

This option contains the vector source for the Traffic Cameras. If clustering is desired, wrap the source in a ol.source.Cluster source. This option is mutually exclusive with trafficIncidentsServiceOptions.

renderOrder ol.RenderOrderFunction | null | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Render Order. Function to be used when sorting features before rendering. By default features are drawn in the order that they are created. Use null to avoid the sort, but get an undefined draw order. Required.

The default order of creation is, route lines, then stops in order from origin to destination.

minResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The minimum resolution (inclusive) at which this layer will be visible.

maxResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The maximum resolution (exclusive) below which this layer will be visible.

opacity number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Opacity (0, 1). Default is 1.

declutter boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Declutter images and text. Decluttering is applied to all image and text styles, and the priority is defined by the z-index of the style. Lower z-index means higher priority. Default is false.

renderBuffer number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The buffer around the viewport extent used by the renderer when getting features from the vector source for the rendering or hit-detection. Recommended value: the size of the largest symbol, line width, or label. Default is 100 pixels.

map ol.PluggableMap | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Sets the layer as overlay on a map. The map will not manage this layer in its layers collection, and the layer will be rendered on top. This is useful for temporary layers. The standard way to add a layer to a map and have it managed by the map is to use ol.Map#addLayer.

style | | Array.<> | | Array.<> | ol.StyleFunction | undefined <optional>

This option specifies the style or style function to be used in drawing the weather alerts.

If it is anything else, the style is passed to the ol.layer.Vector for default styling.

updateWhileAnimating boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

When set to true, feature batches will be recreated during animations. This means that no vectors will be shown clipped, but the setting will have a performance impact for large amounts of vector data. When set to false, batches will be recreated when no animation is active. Default is false.

updateWhileInteracting boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

When set to true, feature batches will be recreated during interactions. See also updateWhileAnimating.

visible boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Visibility. Default is true (visible).



This typedef describes the options given to the alk.service.TrafficIncidentsService.

Name Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

language alk.val.Language | string

This option tells the service the particular language for the results.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.

srs alk.val.SRS | number | string

This option tells the service the particular projection that is used any GIS data given to the service.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

boundingBox Array.<number> | string

This option holds the bounding box, or extent in which the items are requested.



Name Type Argument Description
trafficIncidentsService alk.service.TrafficIncidentsService | undefined <optional>

This option supplies the TrafficIncidentsService to use within this source. This option is mutually exclusive with the trafficIncidentsServiceOptions options.

trafficIncidentsServiceOptions alkx.TrafficIncidentsServiceOptions | undefined <optional>

This option supplies the properties with which to create this source's internal alk.service.TrafficIncidentsService. This option is mutually exclusive with the trafficIncidentsSource option.

attributions ol.AttributionLike | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.


cacheSize number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Cache size. Default is 2048.

extent ol.Extent | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

It contains the map extent in which the source is relevant.

crossOrigin null | string | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images. Note that you must provide a crossOrigin value if you are using the WebGL renderer or if you want to access pixel data with the Canvas renderer. See [] for more detail.

opaque boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Whether the layer is opaque.

maxZoom number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Optional maximum zoom level. Default is 20 (ALK specific).

reprojectionErrorThreshold number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Maximum allowed reprojection error (in pixels). Default is 0.5. Higher values may increase reprojection performance, but decrease precision.

wrapX boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Whether to wrap the world horizontally. The default, undefined, is to request out-of-bounds tiles from the server. When set to false, only one world will be rendered. When set to true, tiles will be requested for one world only, but they will be wrapped horizontally to render multiple worlds.


Name Type Argument Description
sourceOptions alkx.TrafficSourceOptions

This option holds the options to create the source alk.source.TrafficSource.

opacity number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Opacity (0, 1). Default is 1.

preload number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Preload. Load low-resolution tiles up to preload levels. By default preload is 0, which means no preloading.

map ol.PluggableMap | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Sets the layer as overlay on a map. The map will not manage this layer in its layers collection, and the layer will be rendered on top. This is useful for temporary layers. The standard way to add a layer to a map and have it managed by the map is to use ol.Map#addLayer.

visible boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Visibility. Default is true (visible).

extent ol.Extent | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The bounding extent for layer rendering. The layer will not be rendered outside of this extent.

minResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The minimum resolution (inclusive) at which this layer will be visible.

maxResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The maximum resolution (exclusive) below which this layer will be visible.

useInterimTilesOnError boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Use interim tiles on error. Default is true.

declutter boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Declutter images and text. Decluttering is applied to all image and text styles, and the priority is defined by the z-index of the style. Lower z-index means higher priority. Default is false.

zIndex number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The z-index for layer rendering. At rendering time, the layers will be ordered, first by Z-index and then by position. The default Z-index is 0.


This typedef describes the options given to the alk.service.TrafficService.

Name Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset option for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

format alk.val.Format | number

This option tells the Service in which format to deliver its image data.

height number | string

This option tells the service the height in which to return image data or tiles. The value is in pixels.

imgOption alk.val.ImgOption | number | string

This option tells the service which way to deliver the image data. Available values are 'Background', 'Foreground', and 'Both'.

imgSrc alk.val.ImgSrc | number | string

This option tells the service from where to get its image data. The available names, such as alk.val.ImgSrc.Sat1 and alk.val.ImgSrc.Sat2, have specific designations within ALK.

Please see {TODO: Need Reference Here} for a current description.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.

srs alk.val.SRS | number | string

This option tells the service the particular projection that is used any GIS data given to the service.

strokeWidth number | string

This option tells the service the stroke width to use in drawing the traffic.

style alk.val.Style | number | string

This option tells the service the style of map that is requested. ALK has a number of different map styles, such as alk.val.Style.Night, and alk.val.Style.Terrain.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

width number | string

This option tells the service the width in which to return image data or tiles. The value is in pixels.

histTimeBin number | string

This option tells the service the history in which to return image data or tiles. TODO: Better description.

histDay alk.val.HistDay | number | string

This option tells the service the history in which to return image data or tiles. TODO: Better description.

histTimeZone string

This option tells the service the history in which to return image data or tiles. TODO: Better description.

pt1 Array.<number> | string

This option pertains to only those services that return single images where the options pt1 and pt2 represent the NorthWest and SouthEast coordinates,respectively. This option holds the NorthWest coordinate.

pt2 Array.<number> | string | undefined

This option pertains to only those services that return single images where the options pt1 and pt2 represent the NorthWest and SouthEast coordinates,respectively. This option holds the SouthEast coordinate.


Name Type Argument Description
serviceOptions alkx.TrafficServiceOptions | undefined <optional>
attributions ol.AttributionLike | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.


cacheSize number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Cache size. Default is 2048.

extent ol.Extent | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

It contains the map extent in which the source is relevant.

crossOrigin null | string | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images. Note that you must provide a crossOrigin value if you are using the WebGL renderer or if you want to access pixel data with the Canvas renderer. See [] for more detail.

opaque boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Whether the layer is opaque.

projection ol.ProjectionLike | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

This options contains the projection with which to interpret other options, such as the extent.

maxZoom number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Optional maximum zoom level. Default is 20 (ALK specific).

minZoom number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Optional minimum zoom level. Default is 0.

tileGrid ol.tilegrid.TileGrid | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Tile Grid.

tileLoadFunction ol.TileLoadFunctionType | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Optional function to load a tile given a URL. The default is function(imageTile, src) { imageTile.getImage().src = src; };

tilePixelRatio number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

The pixel ratio used by the tile service. For example, if the tile service advertises 256px by 256px tiles but actually sends 512px by 512px images (for retina/hidpi devices) then tilePixelRatio should be set to 2. Default is 1.

tileSize number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

The tile size used by the tile service. Default is [256, 256] pixels.

tileUrlFunction ol.TileUrlFunctionType | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Optional function to get tile URL given a tile coordinate and the projection. Required if url or urls are not provided.

reprojectionErrorThreshold number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Maximum allowed reprojection error (in pixels). Default is 0.5. Higher values may increase reprojection performance, but decrease precision.

wrapX boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Whether to wrap the world horizontally. The default, undefined, is to request out-of-bounds tiles from the server. When set to false, only one world will be rendered. When set to true, tiles will be requested for one world only, but they will be wrapped horizontally to render multiple worlds.

transition number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Duration of the opacity transition for rendering. To disable the opacity transition, pass transition: 0.


This typedef describes the options given to the alk.service.TrafficTileService.

Name Type Description



Name Type Argument Description
weatherAlert alkx.WeatherAlert

The Weather Alert.

id number | string | undefined <optional>

Set the overlay id. The overlay id can be used with the ol.Map#getOverlayById method.

offset Array.<number> | undefined <optional>

Offsets in pixels used when positioning the overlay. The first element in the array is the horizontal offset. A positive value shifts the overlay right. The second element in the array is the vertical offset. A positive value shifts the overlay down. Default is [0, 0].

position ol.Coordinate | undefined <optional>

The overlay position in map projection.

positioning ol.OverlayPositioning | string | undefined <optional>

Defines how the overlay is actually positioned with respect to its position property. Possible values are 'bottom-left', 'bottom-center', 'bottom-right', 'center-left', 'center-center', 'center-right', 'top-left', 'top-center', and 'top-right'. Default is 'top-left'.

stopEvent boolean | undefined <optional>

Whether event propagation to the map viewport should be stopped. Default is true. If true the overlay is placed in the same container as that of the controls (CSS class name ol-overlaycontainer-stopevent); if false it is placed in the container with CSS class name ol-overlaycontainer.

insertFirst boolean | undefined <optional>

Whether the overlay is inserted first in the overlay container, or appended. Default is true. If the overlay is placed in the same container as that of the controls (see the stopEvent option) you will probably set insertFirst to true so the overlay is displayed below the controls.

autoPan boolean | undefined <optional>

If set to true the map is panned when calling setPosition, so that the overlay is entirely visible in the current viewport. The default is false.

autoPanAnimation olx.OverlayPanOptions | undefined <optional>

The animation options used to pan the overlay into view. This animation is only used when autoPan is enabled. A duration and easing may be provided to customize the animation.

autoPanMargin number | undefined <optional>

The margin (in pixels) between the overlay and the borders of the map when autopanning. The default is 20.


Name Type Argument Description
weatherAlertsServiceOptions alkx.WeatherAlertsServiceOptions | undefined <optional>

This option contains the options that are given to create the underlying alk.source.WeatherAlertsSource and alk.service.WeatherAlertsService to retrieve the weather alerts.

This option is mutually exclusive with the 'source' option.

source alk.source.WeatherAlertsSource | undefined <optional>

This option contains the vector source for the Weather Alerts. This option is mutually exclusive with weatherAlertsServiceOptions.

renderOrder ol.RenderOrderFunction | null | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Render Order. Function to be used when sorting features before rendering. By default features are drawn in the order that they are created. Use null to avoid the sort, but get an undefined draw order. Required.

The default order of creation is, route lines, then stops in order from origin to destination.

minResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The minimum resolution (inclusive) at which this layer will be visible.

maxResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The maximum resolution (exclusive) below which this layer will be visible.

opacity number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Opacity (0, 1). Default is 1.

declutter boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Declutter images and text. Decluttering is applied to all image and text styles, and the priority is defined by the z-index of the style. Lower z-index means higher priority. Default is false.

renderBuffer number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The buffer around the viewport extent used by the renderer when getting features from the vector source for the rendering or hit-detection. Recommended value: the size of the largest symbol, line width, or label. Default is 100 pixels.

map ol.PluggableMap | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Sets the layer as overlay on a map. The map will not manage this layer in its layers collection, and the layer will be rendered on top. This is useful for temporary layers. The standard way to add a layer to a map and have it managed by the map is to use ol.Map#addLayer.

style | | Array.<> | | Array.<> | ol.StyleFunction | undefined <optional>

This option specifies the style or style function to be used in drawing the weather alerts.

If it is anything else, the style is passed to the ol.layer.Vector for default styling.

updateWhileAnimating boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

When set to true, feature batches will be recreated during animations. This means that no vectors will be shown clipped, but the setting will have a performance impact for large amounts of vector data. When set to false, batches will be recreated when no animation is active. Default is false.

updateWhileInteracting boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

When set to true, feature batches will be recreated during interactions. See also updateWhileAnimating.

visible boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Visibility. Default is true (visible).

zIndex number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The z-index for layer rendering. At rendering time, the layers will be ordered, first by Z-index and then by position. The default Z-index is 0.


This typedef specifies the options for the Weather Alert Service.

Name Type Argument Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.

srs alk.val.SRS | number | string

This option tells the service the particular projection that is used any GIS data given to the service.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

pt1 Array.<number> | string

This option pertains to only those services that return single images where the options pt1 and pt2 represent the NorthWest and SouthEast coordinates,respectively. This option holds the NorthWest coordinate.

pt2 Array.<number> | string | undefined <optional>

This option pertains to only those services that return single images where the options pt1 and pt2 represent the NorthWest and SouthEast coordinates,respectively. This option holds the SouthEast coordinate.

point Array.<number> | string

TODO: What does point mean for WeatherAlerts.

urgency alk.val.Urgency | number | string

This option specifies a search filter on the Urgency. Default is alk.val.Urgency.All.

severity alk.val.Severity | number | string

This option specifies a search filter on the Severity. Default is alk.val.Severity.All.

certainty alk.val.Certainty | number | string

This option specifies a search filter on the Certainty. Default is alk.val.Certainty.All.

eventNames Array.<string> | string

This option specifies a search filter on the event names, such as ["Winter Storm Warning", "Flood Watch"].

startTime string

The time after which to search for weather alerts. Use standard formats such as ISO8601("2015-08-29T13:45:30-07:00") or RFC1123("Sat, 29 Aug 2015 20:45:30 GMT").

endTime string

The time before which to search for weather alerts. Use standard formats such as ISO8601("2015-08-29T13:45:30-07:00") or RFC1123("Sat, 29 Aug 2015 20:45:30 GMT").



Name Type Argument Description
weatherAlertsService alk.service.WeatherAlertsService | undefined <optional>

This option supplies the WeatherAlertsService to use within this source. This option is mutually exclusive with the weatherAlertsServiceOptions options.

weatherAlertsServiceOptions alkx.WeatherAlertsServiceOptions | undefined <optional>

This option supplies the properties with which to create this source's internal alk.service.WeatherAlertsService. This option is mutually exclusive with the weatherAlertsSource option.

polygonsCountyCache alk.source.PolygonsCountyCache | undefined <optional>

This option supplies the cache for county polygons. If this option is undefined, then one is created with the polygonsCountyCacheOptions option.

This option provides the ability to reuse the cache or replace it with a preloaded one.

polygonsCountyCacheOptions alkx.PolygonsCountyCacheOptions | undefined <optional>

This option is used to create a cache for county polygons. If the polygonsCountyCache option is undefined, this source creates alk.source.PolygonsCountyCache using these options, defined or not.

attributions ol.AttributionLike | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.


cacheSize number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Cache size. Default is 2048.

extent ol.Extent | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

It contains the map extent in which the source is relevant.

crossOrigin null | string | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images. Note that you must provide a crossOrigin value if you are using the WebGL renderer or if you want to access pixel data with the Canvas renderer. See [] for more detail.

opaque boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Whether the layer is opaque.

maxZoom number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Optional maximum zoom level. Default is 20 (ALK specific).

reprojectionErrorThreshold number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Maximum allowed reprojection error (in pixels). Default is 0.5. Higher values may increase reprojection performance, but decrease precision.

wrapX boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Whether to wrap the world horizontally. The default, undefined, is to request out-of-bounds tiles from the server. When set to false, only one world will be rendered. When set to true, tiles will be requested for one world only, but they will be wrapped horizontally to render multiple worlds.


This typedef specifies the options needed for the constructor and get calls to alk.service.WeatherImageTileService.

Name Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

format alk.val.Format | number

This option tells the Service in which format to deliver its image data.

height number | string

This option tells the service the height in which to return image data or tiles. The value is in pixels.

imgOption alk.val.ImgOption | number | string

This option tells the service which way to deliver the image data. Available values are 'Background', 'Foreground', and 'Both'.

imgSrc alk.val.ImgSrc | number | string

This option tells the service from where to get its image data. The available names, such as 'Sat1' and 'Sat2', have specific designations with ALK. Please see {TODO: Need Reference Here} for a current description.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.

srs alk.val.SRS | number | string

This option tells the service the particular projection that is used any GIS data given to the service.

style alk.val.Style | number | string

This option tells the service the style of map that is requested. ALK has a number of different map styles, such as alk.val.Style.Night, and alk.val.Style.Terrain.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

width number | string

This option tells the service the width in which to return image data or tiles. The value is in pixels.

timeOffset string

This option tells the service the offset in time in which to return image weather data or tiles.

TODO: Format?


Name Type Argument Description
sourceOptions alkx.BaseMapSourceOptions | undefined <optional>

This option provides the options to create the alk.source.WeatherSource source and its alk.service.WeatherService that will supply the URL to get the base map layer tiles.

opacity number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Opacity (0, 1). Default is 1.

preload number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Preload. Load low-resolution tiles up to preload levels. By default preload is 0, which means no preloading.

map ol.PluggableMap | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Sets the layer as overlay on a map. The map will not manage this layer in its layers collection, and the layer will be rendered on top. This is useful for temporary layers. The standard way to add a layer to a map and have it managed by the map is to use ol.Map#addLayer.

visible boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Visibility. Default is true (visible).

extent ol.Extent | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The bounding extent for layer rendering. The layer will not be rendered outside of this extent.

minResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The minimum resolution (inclusive) at which this layer will be visible.

maxResolution number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

The maximum resolution (exclusive) below which this layer will be visible.

useInterimTilesOnError boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayer Vector Layer Option.

Use interim tiles on error. Default is true.


This typedef specifies the 'catch all' object for options needed for for various subclasses of alk.service.Service.

Name Type Description


Name Type Argument Description
serviceOptions alkx.WeatherImageTileServiceOptions | undefined <optional>
attributions ol.AttributionLike | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.


cacheSize number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Cache size. Default is 2048.

extent ol.Extent | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

It contains the map extent in which the source is relevant.

crossOrigin null | string | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images. Note that you must provide a crossOrigin value if you are using the WebGL renderer or if you want to access pixel data with the Canvas renderer. See [] for more detail.

opaque boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Whether the layer is opaque.

projection ol.ProjectionLike | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

This options contains the projection with which to interpret other options, such as the extent.

maxZoom number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Optional maximum zoom level. Default is 20 (ALK specific).

minZoom number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Optional minimum zoom level. Default is 0.

tileGrid ol.tilegrid.TileGrid | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Tile Grid.

tileLoadFunction ol.TileLoadFunctionType | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Optional function to load a tile given a URL. The default is function(imageTile, src) { imageTile.getImage().src = src; };

tilePixelRatio number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

The pixel ratio used by the tile service. For example, if the tile service advertises 256px by 256px tiles but actually sends 512px by 512px images (for retina/hidpi devices) then tilePixelRatio should be set to 2. Default is 1.

tileSize number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

The tile size used by the tile service. Default is [256, 256] pixels.

tileUrlFunction ol.TileUrlFunctionType | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Optional function to get tile URL given a tile coordinate and the projection. Required if url or urls are not provided.

reprojectionErrorThreshold number | undefined <optional>
wrapX boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Whether to wrap the world horizontally. The default, undefined, is to request out-of-bounds tiles from the server. When set to false, only one world will be rendered. When set to true, tiles will be requested for one world only, but they will be wrapped horizontally to render multiple worlds.

transition number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Duration of the opacity transition for rendering. To disable the opacity transition, pass transition: 0.


Name Type Argument Description
attributions ol.AttributionLike | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.


cacheSize number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Cache size. Default is 2048.

crossOrigin null | string | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images. Note that you must provide a crossOrigin value if you are using the WebGL renderer or if you want to access pixel data with the Canvas renderer. See [] for more detail.

string | olx.LogoOptions | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.


opaque boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Whether the layer is opaque.

projection ol.ProjectionLike | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

This options contains the projection with which to interpret other options, such as the extent.

reprojectionErrorThreshold number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Maximum allowed reprojection error (in pixels). Default is 0.5. Higher values may increase reprojection performance, but decrease precision.

maxZoom number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Optional maximum zoom level. Default is 20 (ALK specific).

minZoom number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Optional minimum zoom level. Default is 0.

tileGrid ol.tilegrid.TileGrid | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Tile Grid.

tileLoadFunction ol.TileLoadFunctionType | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Optional function to load a tile given a URL. The default is function(imageTile, src) { imageTile.getImage().src = src; };

tilePixelRatio number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

The pixel ratio used by the tile service. For example, if the tile service advertises 256px by 256px tiles but actually sends 512px by 512px images (for retina/hidpi devices) then tilePixelRatio should be set to 2. Default is 1.

tileSize number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

The tile size used by the tile service. Default is [256, 256] pixels.

tileUrlFunction ol.TileUrlFunctionType | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Optional function to get tile URL given a tile coordinate and the projection. Required if url or urls are not provided.

service alk.service.Service | undefined <optional>

This option holds the underlying ALK service used to get the tiles.

wrapX boolean | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Whether to wrap the world horizontally. The default, undefined, is to request out-of-bounds tiles from the server. When set to false, only one world will be rendered. When set to true, tiles will be requested for one world only, but they will be wrapped horizontally to render multiple worlds.

transition number | undefined <optional>

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Duration of the opacity transition for rendering. To disable the opacity transition, pass transition: 0.