Class: ArrowsRouteStyle

An instance of this class provides a for a particular routeId. This class works in conjunction with the RoutingLayer in that features will have set properties of 'routeId' on them.


This constructor creates a Style object that styles any route features having a geometry of {ol.geom.Point} such that they will be tagged with 'stop' and 'stopIndex' if they are stops. The 'stop' property will have the original coordinates, and the 'stopIndex' property will have the index in the stop list given to the RoutingLayer#addRoute function. Features tagged with 'stop' may also be tagged with 'stopType' of ol.val.StopType according to the policy set forth in the RoutingLayer. For instance, a Route with 'hubRouting' set will not have a 'stop' feature with a 'stopType' of 'Destination'.

This particular ArrowsRouteStyle assigns styles for a particular 'routeId from a set of rotating strokes from a If the arrows option is set to Line, arrows are drawn along the route at regular intervals. If the arrows option is set to End, a single arrow is drawn at the end.

Name Type Description
options Object





clearStrokeForRouteId(routeId) inherited

This function clears the assigned, if any, stroke style for the given routeId identifier.

Name Type Description
routeId string

defaultDestinationImage(){} inherited

This function returns the default style for a stop feature with the feature's 'stopType' property of alk.val.StopType.Destination.

For this implementation, the defaultOriginImage is used for all stopTypes of alk.val.StopType.Destination regardless of the route's stroke color.

defaultOriginImage(){} inherited

This function returns the default image for a stop feature with the feature's 'stopType' property of alk.val.StopType.Origin.

For this implementation, the defaultOriginImage is used for all stopTypes of alk.val.StopType.Origin regardless of the route's stroke color.

defaultViaPointImage(){} inherited

This function returns the default image for a stop feature with the feature's 'stopType' property of alk.val.StopType.ViaPoint.

For this implementation, the defaultOriginImage is used for all stopTypes of alk.val.StopType.Origin regardless of the route's stroke color.

defaultWayPointImage(){} inherited

This function returns the default image for a stop feature with the feature's 'stopType' property of alk.val.StopType.WayPoint.

For this implementation, the defaultOriginImage is NOT used. The returns a different image according to the route's stroke color.

getArrow(feature, resolution, strokeStyle, bearing){|null}

This function returns an to use as an arrow. It is only called once per feature. The feature will be a MultiLineString or LineString geometry and will have its 'routeId' property set. However, the strokeStyle is associated with the 'routeId'.

Name Type Description
feature ol.Feature

The feature we are drawing arrows on.

resolution number

The resolution


The selected stroke style for the route.

bearing number

The bearing to which the arrow should point. Usually used in the 'rotation' property.

If this returns null, no arrows will be drawn.

getDestinationImage(stroke){} inherited

This function returns the image to use in styling a stop feature with the feature's 'stopType' property of alk.val.StopType.Destination.

This implementation ignores the stroke style and returns the

Name Type Description

The route's stroke style.

getDestinationStyleFunction(feature, resolution){|null} inherited

This style function returns a style for a stop with the feature's 'stopType' property of alk.val.StopType.Destination.

This implementation returns a style containing the image returned by

Name Type Description
feature ol.Feature

The stop feature

resolution number

getOriginImage(stroke){} inherited

This function returns the image to use in styling a stop feature with the feature's 'stopType' property of alk.val.StopType.Origin.

This implementation ignores the stroke style and returns the default origin image.

Name Type Description

The route's stroke style.

getOriginStyleFunction(feature, resolution){|null} inherited

This function returns the stop feature with the feature's 'stopType' property set to alk.val.StopType.Origin.

Name Type Description
feature ol.Feature

The stop feature

resolution number

getStopStyle(feature, resolution){|null} inherited

This function returns an that styles a stop feature. The feature will be a Point geometry and will have its 'routeId', 'stop', 'stopIndex', and 'stopType', and 'logicalStopIndex' properties set.

This implementation calls out getOriginStyleFunction, getWayPointStyleFunction, getViaPointStyleFunction, and getDestinationStyleFunction, for each of the stop features.

Name Type Description
feature ol.Feature

The stop feature.

resolution number

The display resolution.

If this returns null, no stop will be drawn.

getStrokeQueue(){|undefined} inherited

This function returns the stroke Queue.

getStrokeStyle(feature, resolution){} inherited

This function returns the stroke style for the route.

Name Type Description
feature ol.Feature
resolution number

getUpdateStrokeStyle(feature, resolution){} inherited

This function returns the Update Stroke Style, which is the same for all features and resolutions.

Name Type Description
feature ol.Feature

This argument is ignored.

resolution number

This argument is ignored.

getViaPointImage(stroke){} inherited

This function returns the image to use in styling a stop feature with the feature's 'stopType' property of alk.val.StopType.ViaPoint.

This implementation ignores the stroke style and returns the value from

Name Type Description

The route's stroke style.

getViaPointStyleFunction(feature, resolution){|null} inherited

This style function returns a style for a stop feature with the feature's 'stopType' property of alk.val.StopType.ViaPoint.

This implementation returns a style containing the image returned by

Name Type Description
feature ol.Feature

The stop feature

resolution number

getWayPointImage(stroke){} inherited

This function returns the image to use in styling a stop feature with the feature's 'stopType' property of alk.val.StopType.WayPoint.

This implementation returns a styled with a white fill, and a color border of the route's stroke color. The width of the stroke is 3 pixels, and the radius of the circle is 9 pixels. The stroke color is 1.0 opacity equivalent to the route's stroke color, which should be at 0.5 opacity.

Name Type Description

The route's stroke style.

getWayPointStyleFunction(feature, resolution){|null} inherited

This style function returns a style for a stop feature with the feature's 'stopType' property of alk.val.StopType.WayPoint.

This implementation returns the image returned by, superimposed with a index corresponding to the feature's 'logicalStopIndex' property. The index is a letter or number based on whether the feature's 'hubRouting' property is set to true, or not, respectively.

Name Type Description
feature ol.Feature

The stop feature

resolution number

setStrokeQueue(strokeQueue) inherited

This function sets the stroke style for this QueuedLineRouteStyle.

Name Type Description

setStrokeStyle(strokeStyle) inherited

This function sets the stroke style for this LineRouteStyle.

Name Type Description

setUpdateStrokeStyle(stroke) inherited

This function sets the update stroke style.

Name Type Description

setUpdating(value) inherited

This method is called when the 'updating' property of alk.layer.RoutingLayer is changed. This call gives the style the ability to style things differently when being updated.

Name Type Description
value boolean

styleFunction(feature, resolution){Array.<>}

Name Type Description
feature ol.Feature
resolution number