Class: ListTooltipOverlay


An instance of this class creates an list type overlay that is normally used as a tooltip on a hover. Its basic structure is:

  • text
  • text

new alk.overlay.ListTooltipOverlay(opt_options)

This constructor creates an overlay that creates an HTML object in the DOM. If a cssClass option is given, this object adds it all the elements it creates.

Option Type Description
id number | string | undefined
cssClass string | undefined
offset Array.<number> | undefined
position ol.Coordinate | undefined
positioning ol.OverlayPositioning | string | undefined
stopEvent boolean | undefined
insertFirst boolean | undefined
autoPan boolean | undefined
autoPanAnimation olx.OverlayPanOptions | undefined
autoPanMargin number | undefined


  • ol.Overlay



This property signifies that the overlay is in the process of getting assigned. The addListItem functions maybe called asynchronously and there is a need to set a boolean on this object so the caller may know they have already assigned this object.



This method adds the string as an list element of the tooltip list.

Name Type Description
item string


This method clears the innerHTML of the tooltip list, and sets the assigned property to false;


This function returns the value of the 'assigned' property.


This method sets the assigned property.

Name Type Description
bool boolean


This method sets the display style for the overlay. True means display of '' and false means display of 'none'.

Name Type Description
bool boolean