Class: POIService


An instance of this class, given the parameters and defaults, is used to make requests to the ALK POI Service.

new alk.service.POIService(opt_options)

This constructor creates a Service object to access the ALK POI Service.

Option Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

center Array.<number> | string

This option contains the center of the search.

radius number | string

This option contains the radius in radiusUnits of the search.

radiusUnits alk.val.DistanceUnits | number | string

This option contains the units with which to interpret the radius option.

nameFilter string

The results will be filtered by a likeness to this name;

poiCategories Array.<string> | string

This options specifies the Points of Interest categories with which to restrict the search. Their values must come from the alk.service.POICategoriesSingleSearchService.



get(opts_or_callback, responseCallback)

This method performs a call to the POI Service.

Name Type Description
opts_or_callback alkx.POIServiceOptions | null | function

This parameter contains any options to override or extend the options set in the construction of this object for the call.

Attribute Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

center Array.<number> | string

This option contains the center of the search.

radius number | string

This option contains the radius in radiusUnits of the search.

radiusUnits alk.val.DistanceUnits | number | string

This option contains the units with which to interpret the radius option.

nameFilter string

The results will be filtered by a likeness to this name;

poiCategories Array.<string> | string

This options specifies the Points of Interest categories with which to restrict the search. Their values must come from the alk.service.POICategoriesSingleSearchService.

responseCallback function

The response handler.

getAttribution(opts_or_callback, responseCallback){*|undefined} inherited

This method performs a request to this configured service using the supplied options, options set on the constructor, and defaults to get the service's attribution, should it have one. This call results in Object, which may be a parsed JSON response.

Name Type Description
opts_or_callback Object | function

This parameter contains any options that override options that are set on this object for this particular request.

responseCallback function

This parameter is the function that handles the response.

getServiceOptions(options){Object} inherited

This method returns the base options that was used to create this Service object and override them with the given options;

Name Type Description
options Object
The combined options.

getURL(opt_options){string} inherited

Returns the URL for the service based on the given options, options set on the constructor, and defaults.

Name Type Description
options Object

These options override any relevant options that are set on the object at its construction.

processResponse(options, obj){Object}

This call processes the response before it is given to the callback.

This particular method enhances the response from the ALK/PCM service and modifies it accordingly.

The response returned from the POI Service returns a JSON object containing a Array..

Name Type Description
options Object

The options that were given with the call combined with the base options used for the alk.service.POIService.

obj Object

The JSON response from the alk.service.POIService.

Containing the poiServiceOptions and if a successful call also contains a JSON object containing the points of interest requested.