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Route Path (GET)


The Route Path API retrieves a series of geographic coordinates that make up a route. The route is generated using the parameters below. A Route Path can also be generated as one of the reports in our Route Reports API.

Requires a license for access to Trimble Maps JavaScript.

GET /route/routePath

Resource URL

Route Path Request Parameters

Below are descriptions of the parameters that can be used to generate route reports.

stops is the only required parameter. If no other parameters are entered, routes will be calculated based on default vehicle dimensions and default settings.

Stop Details

These parameters identify the stops in a route.

Data Element Description Data Type Value/Example
stops The coordinates that make up the stops of the route. Each stop is specified as a comma-separated pair of floating point numbers, representing longitude and latitude respectively. There must be at least two pairs of coordinates. List of comma-separated long/lat pairs, separated by semi-colons -76.123456,42.123456;-76.123126,42.123126
assetId The ID of the asset (device, vehicle or driver) associated with this request.
region The data region in which stop coordinates lie. Required to specify regions outside of NA.
0 - Unknown
1 - AF
2 - AS
3 - EU
4 - NA (Default)
5 - OC
6 - SA
7 - ME

Route Options

These parameters help customize the way the routing algorithm generates a route.

Data Element Description Data Type Value/Example
profileName The name of the vehicle routing profile to be used in calculations. A vehicle routing profile is a preset collection of vehicle dimensions and other routing options that ensure the routing algorithm knows the type of vehicle being driven so it can generate a safe, efficient, and legal route.
Default is null. Read more about selecting a vehicle routing profile.
vehType Restricts the route to roads that are accessible by the selected vehicle type.
0 - Truck (Default)
1 - LightTruck
2 - Auto
3 - Midsize Truck
4 - School Bus
reduceResponsePoints Indicates whether to reduce the number of response points.
False (Default)
routeType The type of route you want to calculate.
0 - Practical (Default)
1 - Shortest
2 - Fastest
hwyOnly Indicates whether to use highways only for routing. This setting is intended only for generating distances between cities or postal codes. The default is false for GET calls to route reports, which means local streets may be used in routing. For POST calls, the default is true.
True (Default for POST calls)
False (Default for GET calls)
overrideClass A comma separated list of class overrides. This allows you to select whether a truck with a 48' or shorter trailer should still adhere to routing for larger (53') trucks along the National Network. (U.S. Only)
Note that if vehLength is larger than 48' (e.g. 48.1') and/or vehWidth is larger than 96" (e.g. 96.1"), then overrideClass is set to 3(National Network + FiftyThreeFoot) without an option to turn it off;
if vehLength is smaller than 48' and vehWidth is smaller than 96", then overrideClass is set to 0(None) by default. However, you can still provide overrideClass param to override it.
0 - None (Default)
1 - FiftyThreeFoot
2 - NationalNetwork
3 - NationalNetwork and FiftyThreeFoot
distUnits Sets whether to use miles or kilometers in distance and speed measurements.
0 - Miles (Default)
1 - Km
avoidTolls Indicates whether or not to avoid tolls. This parameter has been deprecated. Use tollRoads instead.
False (Default)
tollRoads Indicates whether or not to avoid toll roads when generating a route. If this parameter is specified, the value in avoidTolls will be ignored. If this parameter is null, the value in avoidTolls will be used. Available in dataVersion PCM34 and Later. Use avoidTolls for older versions.
1 - Always Avoid
2 - Avoid if Possible
3 - Use
Default is null.
avoidCountry A comma-separated list of ISO2 codes for countries that should be avoided when generating a route. Default is an empty list. Available in PCM34 and Later. A list of comma-separated countries.
list of strings
avoidState A comma-separated list of ISO2 codes for states that should be avoided when generating a route. Default is an empty list. This parameter is for North America only. Available in PCM34 and Later. A list of comma-separated states.
list of strings
favorCountry A comma-separated list of ISO2 codes for countries that should be favored when generating a route. Default is an empty list. This parameter is for regions outside of North America. Available in PCM34 and Later. A list of comma-separated countries.
list of strings
favorState A comma-separated list of ISO2 codes for states that should be favored when generating a route. Default is an empty list. This parameter is for North America only. Available in PCM34 and Later. A list of comma-separated states.
list of strings
openBorders Sets whether or not international borders are open to travel. Set to false to minimize the number of international border crossings, unless they are necessary to reach all of the stops on a route. For example, if all your stops are in the “lower 48” United States, the resulting route will stay in the United States even if the most practical or shortest route would normally involve some Canadian mileage.

The true option ignores international boundaries in generating the best route.

True (Default)
restrOverrides Indicates whether or not to override truck restrictions pertaining to specific sizes and weights when generating a route.
False (Default)
hazMat Indicates the hazardous material type. Read more about hazmat routing.
0 - None (Default)
1 - General
2 - Caustic
3 - Explosives
4 - Flammable
5 - Inhalants
6 - Radioactive
7 - HarmfulToWater
8 - Tunnel
hazMatTypes An array of hazardous material types to apply when generating a route. Read more about hazmat routing.
Array of HazMatType
0 - None (Default)
1 - General
2 - Caustic
3 - Explosives
4 - Flammable
5 - Inhalants
6 - Radioactive
7 - HarmfulToWater
8 - Tunnel
tunnelCategory The tunnel category to apply when generating a route. (Europe only)
0 - None (Default)
1 - TunnelBCDE
2 - TunnelCDE
3 - TunnelDE
4 - TunnelE
tunnelCategories An array of tunnel categories to apply when generating a route. (Europe only)
Array of TunnelCategory
0 - None (Default)
1 - TunnelBCDE
2 - TunnelCDE
3 - TunnelDE
4 - TunnelE
routeOpt Indicates the method by which to optimize route stops.
0 - None (Default)
1 - ThruAll
2 - DestinationFixed
hubRouting Indicates whether or not to enable hub routing. Hub Routing generates routes from a single starting place (origin) to multiple destinations.
False (Default)
vehDimUnits Vehicle dimension units
0 - English (Default)
1 - Metric
vehHeight The height of the truck in feet and inches or meters depending on vehDimUnits.
Valid range is between 5' and 15' in North America, or between 2 and 5 meters in Europe.
Read more about setting vehicle dimensions.
vehLength The length of a straight truck/van or combined vehicle’s trailer in feet and inches or meters depending on vehDimUnits. You do not need to include the tractor's length in this value for a tractor/trailer. If you have tandem trailers that don't articulate (rigid connection) then it would be the combined length of the trailers. More than just a legal setting, vehLength is used to calculate turning radius using the maximum straight length to see if the driver can make the turn.

Valid range is between 8' and 70' in North America, or between 5 and 25 meters in Europe.

Read more about setting vehicle dimensions.
vehWidth The width of the truck in inches or meters depending on vehDimUnits.
Valid range is between 60" and 102" in North America, or between 2 and 3 meters in Europe.
Read more about setting vehicle dimensions.
vehWeight The weight of the truck in pounds or kilograms depending on vehDimUnits.
Valid range is between 1500 and 156470 lbs in North America, or between 680.39 and 60000 kgs in Europe.
Read more about setting vehicle dimensions.
axles The number of axles on the truck
Acceptable values are 2 through 14 and the default value is 5
trkMaxWeightPerAxleGroup The maximum weight per axle group in pounds or kilograms depending on vehDimUnits.
Acceptable values are 800 to 45,000 pounds in North America and 1 tonne to 20 tonnes in Europe.
Read more about setting vehicle dimensions.
LCV Indicates whether the truck is a multi-trailer or longer combination vehicle.
False (Default)
hosEnabled Indicates whether or not to enable Hour of Service option.
False (Default)
hosRemDriveTimeUntilBreak The available driving hours at origin before the driver needs to take a rest break.
The format is in seconds.
hosRemDriveTime The available driving hours at origin until the end of work day.
The format is in seconds.
hosRemOnDutyTime The available On-Duty hours available at origin until the end of work day.
The format is in seconds.
hosRuleType The hours of service rule to use.
Valid values are USFed607LH - 0, USFed708LH - 1, CanadaCycle1 - 2, CanadaCycle2 - 3, California808 - 4, Texas707 - 5, USShortHaul - 6, Europe - 7
hosRemCycleDutyTime The available Cycle time duty hours at origin until Cycle reset.
The format is in seconds.
sideOfStreetAdherence How strict to be in order to avoid the destination being on the opposite side of the street.
0 - Off (Default)
1- Minimal
2 - Moderate
3 - Average
4 - Strict
5 - Adhere
6 - StronglyAdhere
useCrossStreetTurnAvoidance When set to true, it reduces the chances the route generated includes turns that go across the street in front of oncoming traffic. These turns will still be included if there is no reasonable alternative. (For auto and van Vehicle Routing Profiles only)
False (Default).
governorSpeedLimit Maximum average road speed to use in route calculations that overrides all other road speeds when they are above this value. Default is disabled and valid value is between 1 and 100 mph.
The format is in mph or kph based on distUnits.
elevLimit Indicates the elevation limit when generating a route. Default value is null. Elevation unit can be either meters or feet is determined by the distUnits parameter. Miles = feet, Kilometers = meters. Available for dataVersion Current, PCM_NA, and PCM29 and Later. Limit will be ignored if: Routing is deemed impractical with the limit, or a stop is located at an elevation higher than the limit. (North America only)
ferryDiscourage Indicates whether or not to discourage the use of ferries when creating the route.
False (Default)
useSites Indicates whether the stops are on Sites or not and accordingly considers Site Gates in Routing. The default value is false.
False (Default)
afSetIDs The IDs of the Route Modifier (avoid/favor) sets that should be applied to the route. The format is comma separated IDs. The IDs are integers. Set to [-1] to select all sets. List of comma separated IDs 24,133,204
afSetNames The names of the Route Modifier (avoid/favor) sets that should be applied to the route. Default is an empty set. List of comma separated names. Highways,TollRoads,Malls
estimatedTimeOpts Estimated time options allow you to select when you would like to depart from your origin or arrive at your destination. You must select one of three options for your arrival or departure: The current time and day; a day of the week and time of day; or a specific date and time of day. This time will be reflected in Mileage and Detailed reports and can also affect routing with roads that have time-based restrictions.

or Depart(Arrive)|[SpecificDateTime]|[TimeZone]

Supported time zones can be found here. When setting a departure time, if the request is sent in the same time zone as the first stop (origin of the trip), within 15 minutes of the current time, the current time will be returned in the response.

useTraffic Indicates whether or not to use traffic data. When set to true, the routing algorithm will consider traffic closures when selecting the route and use historical traffic patterns to calculate the trip’s ETA and travel time. If set to true, and the trip’s departure time is also set to within 15 minutes of the current time, real-time traffic data will be used for the first 15 miles and historical traffic patterns will be used for the remainder of the route. (By default, UseTraffic is false, and ETA and travel time are computed using Trimble Maps’s average road speeds by road class.)

With the exception of road closures, traffic data is only used to select the route path a vehicle will take when the routing algorithm (routeType) is set to Fastest. (Fastest routing is not recommended for trucks—autos and vans only.)

False (Default)
includeVehicleRestrictedCleanupPoints Indicates whether to return the path from the drivable road network to a stop located on a pedestrian only road. (This is usually the path the driver has walk to reach a stop on a vehicle-restricted road.)
False (Default)

Route Path Response Parameters

Data Element Description Data Type Value/Example
type Indicates the type of response
geometry The route points of the route that was run GeoJson Geometry
vehiclerestrictedcleanupgeometry List of coordinates that represents the path from the drivable road network to a stop located on a pedestrian only road. (This is usually the path the driver has walk to reach a stop on a vehicle-restricted road.) This path, if one exists, is only returned when includeVehicleRestrictedCleanupPoints is set to true in the request. GeoJson Geometry


Data Element Description Data Type Value/Example
Type Indicates the type of geometry
Multistring (currently this is the only value)
Coordinates A series of geographic coordinate points that make up a route Json array of arrays

Try the API


With your API key, you can try a Route Path request using the form below. The required parameter is marked with an asterisk. You can enter values for any of the optional parameters by first checking the box next to them. Scroll down the page to submit your request.




Last updated July 23, 2024.
API Endpoint:
