enum | FPCGeocodes { NTBasic = 0x1, NTPremium = 0x2, OSNI = 0x4 } |
| WPWS-2085 - Add Licensing Support for FPC - Geocode calls this indicates where the full postal code is from NT Basic means this is not a special full postal code and anybody can use it NT Premium is a full postal code from NT Premium files OSNI is a full postal code from OSNI More...
enum | GeofenceShape : byte { Circle = 1, Polygon = 5 } |
| Specifies the Geofence shape type More...
enum | GeofenceState : byte { Off = 0, Warn = 1, Avoid = 2 } |
| Specifies the active state of the Geofence More...
enum | PostCodeType { US, Mexico, Both } |
| Specifies the country code filter for US and Mexican zip code. More...
enum | CountryAbbreviationType { FIPS, ISO2, ISO3, GENC2, GENC3 } |
| Specifies the abbreviation format for countries. More...
enum | DataRegion { Unknown = 0, AF, AS, EU, NA, OC, SA, ME, MX } |
| Represents the data region to use when geocoding or reverse geocoding or when specifying locations in general. More...
enum | VolumeUnits { Gallons, Liters } |
| Specifies whether gallons or liters are used for fuel volumes. More...
enum | VehicleDimUnits { English, Metric } |
| Specifies whether English or metric units describe vehicle dimensions. More...
enum | DistanceUnits { Miles, Kilometers } |
| Represents the units used for distances. More...
enum | AFType { Avoid = 1, Favor = 2 } |
| Represents the type of an ALK.PCM.Model.BusinessModels.AvoidFavor. More...
enum | MapsureVisibilityStatus { Public = 0, Private = 1 } |
| Represents VisibilityStatus for Mapsure, Public/Private. More...
enum | StopStatus { Open = 1, Arrived = 2, Completed = 3, Canceled = 4, NotViable = 5 } |
enum | ArrivalStatus { OnTime = 1, AtRisk = 2, Late = 3, Early = 4, NotViable = 5, TooEarly = 6 } |
enum | UpdateTrigger { CoPilot = 0, Manual = 1 } |
enum | DriverFeedbackIssueType { MissingAddress = 0, AddressLocationError = 1, HeightRestriction = 2, WeightRestriction = 3, TruckRestriction = 4, HazmatRestriction = 5, MissingStreet = 6, ExitSignpostCorrection = 7, OneWayStreetError = 8, SpeedLimitError = 9, RoadClosure = 10, TurnRestriction = 11, RoadNameError = 12, Other = 13 } |
| The type of issue that can be reported when drivers send feedback to MapSure. More...
enum | StopType { Origin = 1, Work = 2, Waypoint = 3, FuelStop = 4, RestStopShort = 5, RestStopLong = 6, RestStopCycleReset = 7, Destination = 9, Delivery = 10, Pickup = 11, RendezVous = 12, RestStopFullDay = 13, RestStopDriverSwitch = 14, BorderCrossing = 15, Break = 16, RestStopShortSplittable = 17, RestStopBiWeekly = 18 } |
enum | RoadType { InterStateRural = 1, DividedRural = 3, PrimaryRural = 4, FerriesRural = 5, SecondaryRural = 6, RampRural = 7, LocalRural = 8, InterStateUrban = 10, DividedUrban = 12, PrimaryUrban = 13, FerriesUrban = 14, SecondaryUrban = 15, RampUrban = 16, LocalUrban = 17 } |
| Represents the type of roads for road speeds. More...
enum | RoadTypeTransition40 { InterStateRural = 1, DividedRural = 3, PrimaryRural = 4, FerriesRural = 5, SecondaryRural = 6, RampRural = 7, LocalRural = 8, InterStateUrban = 11, DividedUrban = 13, PrimaryUrban = 14, FerriesUrban = 15, SecondaryUrban = 16, RampUrban = 17, LocalUrban = 18 } |
| Represents the type of roads for road speeds. More...
enum | Country { AD = 5, AM = 10, AT = 13, AZ = 14, BY = 21, BE = 19, BA = 26, BG = 31, HR = 51, CY = 53, CZ = 54, DK = 55, EE = 65, FO = 67, FI = 70, FR = 71, GE = 77, DE = 78, GI = 80, GR = 81, HU = 93, IS = 94, IE = 99, IM = 100, IT = 102, JE = 244, KZ = 107, XK = 240, KG = 114, LV = 116, LI = 121, LT = 122, LU = 123, MK = 125, MT = 131, MD = 140, MC = 141, ME = 143, NL = 151, NO = 161, PL = 172, PT = 173, RO = 178, RU = 179, SM = 186, RS = 237, SK = 193, SI = 194, ES = 198, SJ = 202, SE = 204, CH = 205, TJ = 208, TR = 216, TM = 217, UA = 221, GB = 223, UZ = 227, VA = 229 } |
enum | HazMatType { None, General, Caustic, Explosives, Flammable, Inhalants, Radioactive, HarmfulToWater, Tunnel } |
| Represents the hazardous material type. More...
enum | TunnelCategory { None, TunnelBCDE, TunnelCDE, TunnelDE, TunnelE } |
| Represents the EU Tunnel categories. Applicable for EU region only. More...
enum | LanguageType { ENUS, ENGB, DE, FR, ES, IT } |
| Represents the language to use. More...
enum | DiagnosticsType { TripFileLog = 0, TripTraceLog = 1, TimeWindowInputLog = 2 } |
| Represents the Diagnostics Type More...