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Shared API Members


Shared API members are those that are used in several API calls such as the StopLocation. This structure that is shared is the same for each API input and response.


The StopLocation structure is used to pass all data associated with the geographic point. It can contain either address or latitude/longitude information. Either the address element is sent or the cords element is specified. Only one is required and specifying both will result in an error. The StopLocation extends the Location Elements.


Represents a real world location made up of an address and/or latitude/longitude coordinates.

Inheritance Hierarchy


  • ALK.PCM.Model.BusinessModels.Location
  • ALK.PCM.Model.BusinessModels.CustomPlace
  • ALK.PCM.Model.BusinessModels.GeocodeOutputLocation
  • ALK.PCM.Model.BusinessModels.NewCustomPlace
  • ALK.PCM.Model.BusinessModels.StopLocation

StopLocation and Location Schema


The ComplexType Locations extends stopLocation to include Location elements as shown below this schema.

<xs:complexType name="StopLocation">
  <xs:complexContent mixed="false">
    <xs:extension base="tns:Location">
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Costs" nillable="true" type="tns:StopCosts"/>
<xs:element name="StopLocation" nillable="true" type="tns:StopLocation"/>


<xs:complexType name="Location">
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Address" nillable="true" type="tns:Address"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Coords" nillable="true" type="tns:Coordinates"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Region" type="tns:DataRegion"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Label" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PlaceName" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="Location" nillable="true" type="tns:Location"/>

StopLocation Members

Element Definition Required
Address A system object of the Address. Gets or sets the address information for the location.
Usage:Address = new Address


Zip = "19123"


Y(if not sending coords)
Coords A system object of type Coordinates. Gets or sets the geographic coordinates for the location.
Usage:Coordinates = new Coordinates


Lat = "40353828",

Lon = "-74610884"


Y(if not sending Address)
Cost A system object of type StopCost. Gets or sets the cost associated with this stop.
Usage:StopCosts stopCosts = new StopCosts


CostOfStop = 5,

CostOfStopSpecified = true,

HoursPerStop = 1,

HoursPerStopSpecified = true,

Loaded = true,

LoadedSpecified = true,

OnDuty = true,

OnDutySpecified = true,

UseOrigin = false,

UseOriginSpecified = true


Label A string value. Gets or sets a string which represents a label to be displayed on maps and in reports in association with a stop.
Usage:label = “stop 1”;
PlaceName A string value. Gets or sets the place name which corresponds to a custom place; this would supersede standard address entries for geocoding or identify a custom place to be associated with the address. Available for premium account types only.
Usage:PlaceName = “ALK”;
Region An enumeration of DataRegion. Gets or sets the Region that the location is in.
Usage:Region = DataRegion.NA

Location Members

Element Definition Required
Address A system object of the Address. Gets or sets the address information for the location.
Usage:Address = new Address


Zip = "19123"


Y(if not sending coords)
Coords A system object of type Coordinates. Gets or sets the geographic coordinates for the location.
Usage:Coordinates = new Coordinates


Lat = "40353828",

Lon = "-74610884"


Y(if not sending Address)
Label A string value. Gets or sets a string which represents a label to be displayed on maps and in reports in association with a stop.
Usage:label = “stop 1”;
PlaceName A string value. Gets or sets the place name which responds to a custom place; this would supersede standard address entries for geocoding or identify a custom place to be associated with the address. Available for premium account types only.
Usage:PlaceName = “ALK”;
Region An enumeration of DataRegion. Gets or sets the Region that the location is in.
Usage:Region = DataRegion.NA


Represents a street address with support for SPLC as well as place name for custom places.

Address Schema

<xs:complexType name="Address"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="StreetAddress" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="City" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="State" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Zip" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="County" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Country" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SPLC" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="CountryPostalFilter" type="tns:PostCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="AbbreviationFormat" type="tns:CountryAbbreviationType"/>
<xs:element name="Address" nillable="true" type="tns:Address"/>

Address Members

Element Definition Required
AbbreviationFormat An enumeration of CountryAbbreviationType. Gets or sets the AbbreviationFormat. The default setting is FIPS.
Member Name Value Description
FIPS 0 Indicates the country abbreviation type to FIPS
ISO2 1 Indicates the country abbreviation type to ISO2
ISO3 2 Indicates the country abbreviation type to ISO3
GENC2 3 Two-letter code format for Geopolitical Entities and Codes
GENC3 4 Three-letter code format for Geopolitical Entities and Codes

Usage:AbbreviationFormat = CountryAbbreviationType.FIPS
City A string value. Gets or sets the city
Usage:City = “Philadelphia”
Y(when sending state)
Country A string value. Gets or sets the country.
Usage:Country = “US”
CountryPostalFilter An enumeration of PosCodeType. Gets or sets the postal code country filter. This can be used to filter the postal code by country within North America.
Member Name Value Description
US 0 Indicates the country code filter to be the United States
Mexico 1 Indicates the country code filter to be Mexico
Both 2 Indicates the country code filter to be both United States and Mexico.

Usage:CountryPostalFilter =PostCodeType.US
County A string value. Gets or sets the county or jurisdiction. Used in conjunction with City/State
Usage:County = “Bucks”;
SPLC A string value. Gets or sets the Standard Point Location Code.
Usage:SPLC = “1234”
State A string value. Gets or sets the state or country name if the Region is outside of the North America.
Usage:State = "PA"
Y(When city specified)
StreetAddress A string value. Gets or sets the house number and/or street name. Premium accounts only have street-level routing.
Usage:StreetAddress = “1030 N. 2nd St.”


Member Name Value Description
AF 1 Indicates Africa.
AS 2 Indicates Asia.
EU 3 Indicates Europe.
NA 4 Indicates North America
OC 5 Indicates the Australian continent
SA 6 Indicates South America


Represents geographic coordinates, i.e. latitude and longitude.

Coordinates Schema

<xs:complexType name="Coordinates">
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Lat" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Lon" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="Coordinates" nillable="true" type="tns:Coordinates"/>
Element Definition Required
Lat Gets or sets the latitude in decimal degrees or decimal degrees *1E6 as a string.
Usage:Lat = “34.079799”;
Y(When sending coords)
Lon Gets or sets the longitude in decimal degrees or decimal degrees * 1E6 as a string
Usage:Lon = “-118.412935”;
Y(When sending coords)


The StopCosts structure is used to pass all data associated with any additional costs incurred by stopping at a specific location. This structure is references as part of the StopLocation structure.

StopCosts Schema

<xs:complexType name="StopCosts">
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="CostOfStop" type="xs:double"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="HoursPerStop" type="xs:double"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Loaded" type="xs:boolean"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="OnDuty" type="xs:boolean"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="UseOrigin" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element name="StopCosts" nillable="true" type="tns:StopCosts"/>

StopCost Members

Element Definition Required
CostOfStop A double value. Gets or sets the cost of the stop(in dollars)
Usage:CostOfStop = 10.5;
HoursPerStop A double value. Gets or sets a length of time allocated for this stop. The format is in decimal hours.
Usage:HoursPerStop = 2.5;
Loaded A boolean value. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the truck is loaded.
Usage:Loaded = true;
OnDuty A boolean value. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the truck is on duty.
Usage:onDuty = true;
UseOrigin A boolean value. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to default all the settings to those associated with the route origin.
Usage:UseOrigin = true;

ReportOptions Members

Represents options specific to creation of reports.

Element Definition Required
EstimatedTimeOptions A system object of type EstimatedTimeOptions. Gets or sets the estimated time options.
Usage:EstimatedTimeOptions timeOpts = new EstimatedTimeOptions()


DateAndTime = dateAndTime,

DateOption = DateOption.Specific,

DateOptionSpecified = true,

ETAETD = ETAETDType.Arrival,

ETAETDSpecified = true


ExchangeRate A double value. Gets or sets the change rate to convert US dollars to Canadian dollars.
Usage:ExchangeRate = 1.5;
FuelUnits An enumeration of VolumeUnits. Gets or sets the fuel units to gallons(default) or liters. Values:
Member Name Value Description
Gallons 0 Indicates U.S. gallons should be used.
Liters 1 Indicates liters should be used.

Usage:FuelUnits = VolumeUnits.Gallons;
IncludeFerryDistance A boolean value. Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not miles travelled on ferries are included in mileage calculation. The default is true.
Language An enumeration of Language Type. Gets or sets the language in which the information is to be displayed. The default is ENUS for English United States. Values:
Member Name Value Description
ENUS 0 Indicates English - United States.
ENGB 1 Indicates English - Great Britain.
DE 2 Indicates German.
FR 3 Indicates French.
ES 4 Indicates Spanish.
IT 5 Indicates Italian.

Usage:Language = LanguageType.DE;
RouteCosts A system object of type RouteCosts. Gets or sets the route costs.
Usage:RouteCosts routeCosts = new RouteCosts


CostTimeLoaded = 15,

CostTimeLoadedSpecified = true,

FuelEconomyEmpty = 1,

FuelEconomyEmptySpecified = true,

FuelEconomyLoaded = 16,

FuelEconomyLoadedSpecified = true,

PricePerFuelUnit = 3.95,

PricePerFuelUnitSpecified = true,

TruckStyle = TruckStyle.FiftyThreeSemiTrailer,

TruckStyleSpecified = true


TimeCosts An object timeCosts. Gets or sets the time costs.
Usage:TimeCosts timeCosts = new TimeCosts()


BorderWait = 5,

BorderWaitSpecified = true,

BreakInterval = 4,

BreakIntervalSpecified = true,

BreakLength = 2,

BreakLengthSpecified = true


TollCurrency An enumeration of TollCurrency. Gets or sets the toll currency, currently US or CDN Values:
Member Name Value Description
US 0 Indicates that the currency should be United States dollars.
CDN 1 Indicates that the currency should be Canadian dollars.

Usage:TollCurrency = Currency.US;
TollDiscount A string value. Gets or sets a string containing the applicable toll discount program. This field is only valid if the user has quarterly toll data privileges and the UseTollData is set to true. Available programs are: 407ETR Transponder, A25 Transponder, BreezeBy,C-Pass, Cruise Card, E-Pass, E-Pass Canada, EXpress Toll, EZ Tag, EZPass, EZPass-NJ, EZPass-WV, FAST LANE, FasTrak, GeauxPass, GO-PASS, Good to Go, I-PASS, I-Zoom, K-TAG, Laredo Trade Tag, Leeway, MACPASS, NC Quick Pass, NEXPRESS TOLL, Palmetto Pass, Peach Pass, PikePass, Quickpass, Smart Tag, StraitPASS, SunPass, TollTag, TxTag, and WabashPass or All.
Usage:TollDiscount = “All”;
UseCustomRoadSpeeds A boolean value. Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to use custom road speeds and avoids and favors.
Usage:Use CustomRoadSpeeds = false;
UseTollData A boolean value. Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not toll data should be used.
UseTraffic A boolean value. Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to use traffic data when calculating transit times.

EstimatedTimeOption Members

Element Definition Required
DateAndTime A system object of type DateTimeType. Gets or sets the date, time, time of day and time zone information.
Usage:DateTimeType dateAndTime = new DateTimeType()


CalendarDate = "10/10/2014",

DayOfWeek =DayOfWeek.Friday,

DayOfWeekSpecified = true,

TimeOfDay = "12:00",

TimeZone = TimeZone.Eastern,

TimeZoneSpecified = true


DateOption An enumeration of DateOption.
Member Name Value Description
Current 0 Indicates that the current system time should be used.
Specific 1 Indicates that a specific supplied time should be used.
DayOfWeek 2 Indicates that a day of the week should be used.

Usage:FuelUnits = VolumeUnits.Gallons;
ETAETD An enumeration of ETAETD type.
Member Name Value Description
Arrival 0 Indicates the time is an estimated time of arrival.
Depart 1 Indicates the time is an estimated time of departure.

Usage:ETAETD = ETAETD.Arrival;

TimeCosts Members

The Timecosts structure is used to pass all data associated with additional delays associated with the trip. This structure is part of the RouteOptions structure and is valid for the GetReport functionality.

Element Definition Required
BorderWait A float value. Gets or sets the additional amount of time at the border to the overall trip.
BreakInterval A float value. Gets or sets the elapsed time of the trip before a break will be taken. The format is in decimal hours.
Usage:BreakInterval = 4;
BreakLength A float value. Gets or sets the amount of time a break will last. The format is in decimal hours.
Usage:BreakLength = 2;
DepartTime A TimeOfDayObject. Gets or sets the start time of the trip. The format is HH:MM A[P]M. This field is conditional, and valid if the RoutingType is Fastest.
Usage: DepartTime = new TimeOfDay()


AmPm = AmPmType.AM,

AmPmSpecified = true,

Hour = 10,

HourSpecified = true,

Minute = 15,

MinuteSpecified = true


RemainingHoursOfService A float value. Gets or sets the remaining hours of service at the start of the trip before the driver needs to take a break. The format is in decimal hours.
Usage:RemainingHoursOfService = 2;


The TimeOfDay structure contains the hour, minute, and AM/PM.

Element Definition Required
AmPm An enumeration of AmPmType. Gets or sets the value indicating military, am, or pm.
Member Name Value Description
Military 0 Indicates the time is in 24-hour clock, also known as military format.
AM 1 Indicates the time in the AM period of the 12-hour clock.
PM 2 Indicates the time in the PM period of the 12-hour clock.

Usage:AmPm = AmPmType.AM;
Hour An integer value. Gets or sets the hour value.
Usage:Hour = 10;
Min An Integer value. Gets or sets the minute value.
Usage:Minute = 30;

RouteCosts Members

Represents route cost information associated with a Route and subclasses such as MapRoute and ReportRoute

Element Definition Required
CostTimeEmpty A double value. Gets or sets the estimated labor or other cost per hour when empty.
Usage:CostTimeEmpty = 5.5;
CostTimeLoaded A double value. Gets or sets the estimated labor or other cost per hour when loaded.
Usage:CostTimeEmpty = 15;
FuelEconomyEmpty A double value. Gets or sets the fuel efficiency(distance units per volume units) when empty.
Usage:FuelEconomyEmpty = 1;
FuelEconomyLoaded A double value. Gets or sets the fuel efficiency(distance units per volume units) when loaded.
Usage:FuelEconomyLoaded = 16;
GreenHouseGas A double value. Gets or sets the greenhouse gas cost in lbs per fuel unit.
Usage:GreenHouseGas = 1;
OtherCostPerDistanceUnitEmpty A double value. Gets or sets the maintenance cost per mile when empty.
Usage:OtherCostPerDistanceUnitEmpty = 5;
OtherCostPerDistUnitLoaded A double value. Gets or sets the maintenance cost per distance unit when loaded.
Usage:OtherCostPerDistUnitLoaded = 2;
PricePerFuelUnit A double value. Gets or sets the price per gallon of fuel.
Usage:PricePerFuelUnit = 3.95;
TruckStyle An enumeration of TruckStyle. Gets or sets the truck style which includes vehicle dimensions and route costs.
Value Description
None Indicates that no particular truck style is chosen.
TwentyEightDoubleTrailer Indicates that a 28' double trailer should be used.
FortyStraightTruck Indicates that a 40' straight truck trailer should be used.
FortyEightSemiTrailer Indicates that a 48' semitrailer should be used.
FiftyThreeSemiTrailer Indicates that a 53' semitrailer should be used.
FullSizeVan Indicates a full-size van should be used.
TwentySixStraightTruck Indicates a 26' straight truck should be used.

Usage:TruckStyle = TruckStyle.FiftyThreeSemiTrailer;


Represents a route and all its associated information from the standpoint of a request for either mapping or reporting.

Route Schema

<xs:complexType name="Route">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="RouteId" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Stops" nillable="true" type="tns:ArrayOfStopLocation"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Options" nillable="true" type="tns:RouteOptions"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="AFOptions" nillable="true" type="tns:AvoidFavorSetOption"/>
<xs:element name="Route" nillable="true" type="tns:Route"/>

Route Members

Element Definition Required
Options A system object. Sets the routing options with the RouteOption class. See RouteOption Members.
Usage:RouteOptions opts = new RouteOptions(){};
RouteId A string value. Sets the unique route identifier. This may be used to identify routes when reports are created.
Usage:routeID = “PhillytoAC”;
Stops A list of the StopLocation object. Sets the collection of stops that make up the route.
Usage:StopLocation [] stops = new StopLocation[3];


Represents options specific to the kind of route to be run.

RouteOptions Schema

<xs:complexType name="RouteOptions">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BordersOpen" nillable="true" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ClassOverrides" type="tns:ClassOverrideType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="CustomRoadSpeeds" nillable="true" type="tns:ArrayOfRoadSpeedBase"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DistanceUnits" type="tns:DistanceUnits"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ElevLimit" nillable="true" type="xs:unsignedInt" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="FerryDiscourage" type="xs:boolean" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="FuelRoute" type="xs:boolean" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="GovernorSpeedLimit" nillable="true" type="xs:int" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="HazMatType" type="tns:HazMatType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="HighwayOnly" nillable="true" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="HoSOptions" nillable="true" type="tns:HoursOfServiceOptions" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="HubRouting" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="OverrideRestrict" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="RouteOptimization" type="tns:RouteOptimizeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="RoutingType" type="tns:RoutingType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SideOfStreetAdherence" type="tns:SideOfStreetAdherenceLevel" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="TollDiscourage" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="TrailerCfg" nillable="true" type="tns:TrailerConfig" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="TruckCfg" nillable="true" type="tns:TruckConfig"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="UseAvoidsAndFavors" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="VehicleType" type="tns:VehicleType"/>
<xs:element name="RouteOptions" nillable="true" type="tns:RouteOptions"/>

RouteOptions Members

Element Definition Required
BordersOpen A boolean value. Gets or sets a value indicating whether borders are open for travel. The default is true.
Usage:bordersOpen = true;
ClassOverrides An enumeration of ClassOverrideType. Gets or sets the enumeration of class overrides. This is an optional field and the default is None.
Member Name Value Description
None 0 Indicates that no class overrides are present. This is the default value.
FiftyThreeFoot 1 Indicates a 53' class override.
NationalNetwork 2 Indicates a National Network class override.

Usage:ClassOverrides = ServiceRef.ClassOverrideType.FiftyThreeFoot;
CustomRoadSpeeds An array of RoadSpeedBase objects containing custom road speeds per road category in mph. This is an optional field and the default is an empty list.
Member Name Value Description
RoadCategory InterStateRural Indicates the road class which is of type RoadType.
Speed 35 Indicates the speed of the road in mph.

Member Name Value
InterStateRural 1
DividedRural 3
PrimaryRural 4
FerriesRural 5
SecondaryRural 6
RampRural 7
LocalRural 6
InterStateUrban 10
DividedUrban 12
PrimaryUrban 13
FerriesUrban 14
SecondaryUrban 15
RampUrban 16
LocalUrban 17
DistanceUnits An enumeration of DistanceUnits. Gets or sets the distance units to miles(default) or kilometers. The unit of measure to calculate route, and when drawing a map, the scale bar legend will use these distance units.
Members Name Value Description
Miles 0 Indicates miles should be used.
Kilometers 1 Indicates kilometers should be used.

Usage:DistanceUnits = ServiceRef.DistanceUnits.Miles;
HazMatType Indicates the hazardous material type. See details in Glossary. The default is none.
Members Name Value Description
None 0 Indicates that there is no hazardous material.
General 1 Indicates general hazardous materials.
Caustic 2 Indicates caustic hazardous materials.
Explosives 3 Indicates explosive hazardous materials.
Flammable 4 Indicates flammable hazardous materials.
Inhalants 5 Indicates that the hazardous materials are inhalants.
Radioactive 6 Indicates radioactive hazardous materials.

Usage:HazMatType = ServiceRef.HazMatType.Caustic;
See details in Glossary.
HighwayOnly A boolean value. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use highways only. Street-level routing is available for premium account only.
Usage:HighwayOnly = true;
HubRouting A boolean value. Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to enable hub routing. The default is false to disable hub routing.
Usage:HubRouting = true;
OverrideRestrict A boolean value. Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to override truck restrictions. The default is false to keep the restrictions.
Usage:OverrideRestrict = true;
RouteOptimization An enumeration of RouteOptimizeType. Gets or sets the method by which to optimize the route stops. Default is None
Members Name Value Description
None 0 Indicates to not use any stop optimization.
ThruAll 1 Indicates that all of the input stops should be resequenced for the most optimal sequence.
DestinationFixed 2 Indicates that the destination remain fixed, but all other input stops should be resequenced for the most optimal sequence.

RoutingType An enumeration of RoutingType. Gets or sets the type of routing desired. Versions prior to 27 do not support fastest routing, practical will be used if fastest is supplied.
Members Name Value Description
Practical 0 Indicates that routing should be optimized to minimize time and cost.
Shortest 1 Indicates that routing should be optimized for shortest distance.
Fastest 2 Indicates that routing should be optimized to minimize time based on supplied estimated time options in conjunction with Inrix traffic data.

TollDiscourage A boolean value. Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not tolls should be discouraged on the route. The default is false.
TruckCfg A system object. Gets or sets the truck configuration.
Usage:ServiceRef.TruckConfigCfg=new Serv.TruckConfig(){};
UseAvoidsAndFavors A boolean value. Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to use avoids and favors. Available for premium account types only.
VehicleType An enumeration of vehicleType. Gets or sets the type of the vehicle.
Members Name Value Description
Truck 0 Indicates a truck.
LightTruck 1 Indicates a light truck.
Auto 2 Indicates an automobile.

Usage:VehicleType = ServiceRef.VehicleType.Truck;
ElevLimit A boolean value. Gets or sets a value indicating elevation limit when generating a route.
Elevation units can be either meters or feet determined by DistanceUnits.
Limit will be ignored if routing is deemed impractical with the limit, or a stop is located at an elevation higher than the limit.
Usage:elevLimit = true;
FerryDiscourage A boolean value. Gets or sets a value indicating Whether or not to avoid ferries while routing. The default is false to disable avoiding ferries.
Usage:FerryDiscourage = true;
SideOfStreetAdherence An enumeration value. How strict to be in order to avoid the destination being on the opposite side of the street.
Members Name Value Description
Off 0
Minimal 1
Moderate 2
Average 3
Strict 4
Adhere 5
StronglyAdhere 6
Usage:SideOfStreetAdherence = SideOfStreetAdherence.Minimal;
GovernorSpeedLimit An Integer value. Maximum average road speed to use in route calculations that overrides all other road speeds when they are above this value.
Valid value is between 1 and 100 mph, or 1 and 161kph determined by DistanceUnits.
Usage:GovernorSpeedLimit = 50;


The TruckConfig structure is used to pass all data associated with the truck configuration(vehicle dimension, weight and number of axles) for routing and tolls.

<xs:complexType name="TruckConfig">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Axles" type="xs:int"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Height" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LCV" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Length" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Units" type="tns:VehicleDimUnits"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Weight" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Width" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="TruckConfig" nillable="true" type="tns:TruckConfig"/>

TruckCfg Members

Element Definition Required
Axles An integer value. Gets or sets the number of axles on the truck. If TrailerConfig.MaxAxles is also set, then the two values must add up to the total axle count of the vehicle. Acceptable values are 2 through 14. The default value is 5.
Usage:Axles = 2;
Height A string value. Gets or sets the height of the truck in feet and inches, or meters depending upon the units. If TrailerConfig.MaxHeight is also set, then the greater of the two will be used.
Valid range is between 5' and 15' for English Unit, or between 1.524 and 5 meters for Metric Unit.
The default is 13'6" in all regions except Europe, which is 12'6".
Usage:Height = "13'6"
LCV A boolean value. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the truck is a multi-trailer or longer combination vehicle. This is used for calculation of toll costs, and only for North region.
Usage:LCV = true;
Length A string value. Gets or sets the length of the truck in feet or meters, depending upon the units.
Valid range is between 8' and 70' for English Unit, or between 2.4384 and 28 meters for Metric Unit.
Default is 48 feet in all regions except Europe, which is 54'1".
Usage:Length = "53'0";
Units An enumeration of VehicleDimUnits. Gets or sets the units of measure to be used for the vehicle dimensions.
Member Name Value Description
English 0 Indicates that vehicle dimension units should be English.
Metric 1 Indicates that vehicle dimension units should be metric.

Usage:Units = VehicleDimUnits.English;
Weight A string value. Gets or sets the weight of the truck in pounds or kilos, depending upon units. If TrailerConfig.MaxWeight is also set, then the two values will be added up to determine the total vehicle weight.
Valid range is between 1500 and 156470 lbs for English Unit, or between 680.39 and 60000 kgs for Metric Unit.
The default value is 80,000 pounds for all regions.
Usage:Weight = "132000";
Width A string value. Gets or sets the width of the truck in inches or meters, depending upon units.
Valid range is between 60" and 102" for English Unit, or between 1.524 and 3 meters for Metric Unit.
The default value is 96" for all regions.
Usage:Width = "102\"";


Gets or sets the operation to perform; either save the custom place or delete it.

ActionType Enumeration(Used for AvoidFavor & SetCustomPlace)

Member Name Value Description
Save 0 Perform a save.
Delete 1 Perform a delete.
Last updated November 9, 2022.