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Get Road Speeds


The GetRoadSpeeds operation allows the user to retrieve stored road speeds. The roadspeeds are for different road classes within a state. The GetRoadSpeeds operation returns a collection of RoadSpeed objects, where each item contains the state name, the road type/class, and the roadspeed value.


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <m:AuthHeader xmlns:m="">
    <m:GetRoadSpeeds xmlns:m="">

RoadSpeeds Request

Request Body Members

Represents a RoadSpeedsRequest structure containing the request header and the road speed request body.

Element Definition Required
Jurisdiction A string value. The jurisdiction (state within NA and country outside NA) abbreviation for retrieval of road speed data.
Usage: Jurisdiction = “NJ”
AbbreviationFormat An enumeration value. The country abbreviation format for use outside NA. Default is FIPS.
Usage: AbbreviationFormat = CountryAbbreviationType.ISO2
Vehicle An enumeration value. The Vehicle type, either Auto or Truck for which to retrieve road speeds. Default is Truck.
Usage: Vehicle = VehicleType.Auto
Region An enumeration value. The Region which is only required when sending country abbreviations against the WorldWide Data. Default is the default region of the data.
Usage: Region = DataRegion.EU

Calling Get RoadSpeeds

RoadSpeedsRequest request = new RoadSpeedsRequest();
  request.Header = new  RequestHeader() { DataVersion =  DataVersion.ToString(), RequestType = "GetRoadSpeeds" };
  // construct body - NJ roads
  request.Body = new RoadSpeedsRequestBody();
  request.Body.Jurisdiction = "NJ";
  request.Body.Vehicle = VehicleType.Auto;

  // Create the authentication and authorization header
  AuthHeader soapHeader =  GenerateAuthHeader( APIName);

  // Create the service client
  ServiceClient service = new ServiceClient();

  // Call API
  RoadSpeedsResponse response = service.GetRoadSpeeds(soapHeader, request);


<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
     <h:AuthHeader xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:h="">
      <Authorization>YOUR API KEY HERE</Authorization>
      <Date>Tue, 02 Sep 2014 17:26:01 GMT</Date>
  <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <GetRoadSpeeds xmlns="">


Represents a RoadSpeedResponseBody containing a collection of road speed data that was requested by the user. RoadSpeedResponse body represents a request body structure containing the state name for retrieval of road speed data.

RoadSpeedsResponseBody Members.

Element Definition
RoadSpeeds Gets or sets the collection of RoadSpeed objects containing the road speeds for the different road types.

RoadSpeed Response Members

Represents a road speed for a type of road and state.

Element Definition
RoadCategory An enumeration of RoadType. Gets or sets the type of road.
Speed An Integer value. The speed of the road in miles per hour.
Jurisdiction A string value. The jurisdiction abbreviation (state within NA and country elsewhere) for the road speed.

Sample Response

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <GetRoadSpeedsResponse xmlns="">
      <GetRoadSpeedsResult xmlns:i="">
          <Errors i:nil="true" />
Last updated November 23, 2021.