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Europe Tolls (TollDetail)


Toll information for routes in Europe is available as a premium add-on feature. Europe toll information is generated by calling the Toll Detail Report through a POST request. The report provides toll information for each segment of the route as well as an overall summary of the toll information, by country.

Tolls for routes in North America are available to Premium web services customers in several Route Reports, including Mileage, Comparison and Detailed reports.

In addition to the standard reporting and routing options, this API takes into account the dimensions of both the truck and trailer to generate the most accurate toll costs. These can be set using our TruckCfg and TrailerCfg objects.


Parameter Description Data Type Value/Example
LCV Indicates whether the truck is a multi-trailer or longer combination vehicle.
“LCV”: false
Units Vehicle dimension units.
0 - English (Default)
1 - Metric
“Units”: 1
Height The height of the truck in feet and inches or meters depending on Units.
Valid range is between 5’ and 15’ in North America, or between 2 and 5 meters in Europe.
“Height”: 4.0
Width The width of the truck in inches or meters depending on Units.
Valid range is between 60" and 102" in North America, or between 2 and 3 meters in Europe.
“Width”: 2.55
Length The length of a straight truck/van or combined vehicle’s trailer in feet and inches or meters depending on Units. You do not need to include the tractor’s length in this value for a tractor/trailer. If you have tandem trailers that don’t articulate (rigid connection) then it would be the combined length of the trailers.

Valid range is between 8’ and 70’ in North America, or between 5 and 25 meters in Europe.

“Length”: 12.0
Weight The weight of the truck in pounds or kilograms depending on Units.
Valid range is between 1500 and 156470 lbs in North America, or between 680.39 and 60000 kgs in Europe.
“Weight”: 18000
Axles The number of axles on the truck. Acceptable values are 2 through 14 and the default value is 5.
“Axles”: 2


Parameter Description Data Type Value/Example
TrailerType The type of trailer.
1 - None
2 - Caravan
3 - Trailer (Default)
“TypeOfTrailer”: 2
Count The number of trailers and semi-trailers. Default is 1.
“Count”: 1
MaxHeight The maximum height of the trailer in feet and inches, or meters depending upon the units. Maximum and minimum values are 20’ and 3’ respectively. Default is 12’ 5" or 3.78 meters.
“MaxHeight”: 4.0
MaxWeight The maximum weight of the trailer in pounds or kilos, depending upon units. Default is 0.
“MaxWeight”: 20000
MaxAxles The maximum number of axles on the trailer. Acceptable values are 1 through 8. The default value is 3.
“MaxAxles”: 3
Engine The vehicle engine configuration.
“Hybrid”: false
“EmissionType”: 7,
“MinPollutionVeh”: false
Hybrid Indicates whether the vehicle has a hybrid engine. Default is false.
“Hybrid”: false
EmissionType The emission type of the engine.
2 - Euro0
3 - EuroI
4 - EuroII
5 - EuroIII
6 - EuroIV
7 - EuroV
8 - EuroVI (Default)
9 - EuroEEV
“EmissionType”: 7
MinPollutionVeh Indicates whether vehicle is a minimum vehicle pollution. Default is false.
“MinPollutionVeh”: false
CO2Class The CO₂ class of the vehicle. For Toll reports in Germany and Denmark.
0 - Unknown
1 - Class1 (Default)
2 - Class2
3 - Class3
4 - Class4
5 - Class5
“CO2Class”: 4

How to Use Truck Dimensions

Dimension How to Use in Toll Detail Report
Weight TruckConfig.Weight and TrailerConfig.MaxWeight are added together as the total vehicle weight used in calculations.
Height The values of the TruckConfig.Height and TrailerConfig.MaxHeight are compared and the higher value is selected as the vehicle height used in calculations.
Axle Count TruckConfig.Axles and TrailerConfig.MaxAxles are passed in as separate parameters for toll calculations. They must add up to the total number of axles on the vehicle. These values are not used in the routing.

Please see additional Notes on Europe Tolls below.

POST /route/routeReports/dataVersion=PCM_EU

Sample JSON POST Body

  "ReportRoutes": [
      "ReportingOptions": {
        "UseTollData": true,
        "FuelUnits": 1,
        "TollCurrency": 11,
        "IncludeFerryDistance": false

      "ReportTypes": [
          "__type": "TollDetailReportType:"

      "RouteId": "DemoRoute",
      "Stops": [
          "Costs": null,
          "Coords": {
            "Lat": 48.857196,
            "Lon": 2.341414
          "Region": 3

          "Costs": null,
          "Coords": {
            "Lat": 48.202614,
            "Lon": 16.368460
          "Region": 3

      "Options": {
        "BordersOpen": true,
        "HighwayOnly": false,
        "TollDiscourage": false,
        "TrailerCfg": {
          "TypeOfTrailer": 2,
          "Count": 1,
          "MaxHeight": 4.0,
          "MaxWeight": 20000,
          "MaxAxles": 3,
          "Engine": {
            "Hybrid": false,
            "EmissionType": 7,
            "MinPollutionVeh": false,
            "CO2Class": 4

        "TruckCfg": {
          "LCV": false,
          "Units": 1,
          "Height": 4.0,
          "Width": 2.55,
          "Length": 12.0,
          "Weight": 18000,
          "Axles": 2

Sample Response

    "__type": "TollDetailReport:",
    "RouteID": "DemoRoute",
    "SegmentLines": [
        "Country": "FR",
        "Road": "A 4 - Autoroute de l'Est",
        "TollName": "SANEF",
        "DistanceBased": "",
        "Pass": "",
        "Flat": "6.70"
        "Country": "FR",
        "Road": "A 4 - Autoroute de l'Est",
        "TollName": "SANEF",
        "DistanceBased": "",
        "Pass": "",
        "Flat": "71.00"
        "Country": "FR",
        "Road": "A 4 - Autoroute de l'Est",
        "TollName": "SANEF",
        "DistanceBased": "",
        "Pass": "",
        "Flat": "14.30"
        "Country": "GM",
        "Road": "A 6",
        "TollName": "TOLL COLLECT GMBH",
        "DistanceBased": "20.96",
        "Pass": "",
        "Flat": ""
        "Country": "GM",
        "Road": "Exit 21 (Koblenz)",
        "TollName": "TOLL COLLECT GMBH",
        "DistanceBased": "0.17",
        "Pass": "",
        "Flat": ""
        "Country": "GM",
        "Road": "A 61",
        "TollName": "TOLL COLLECT GMBH",
        "DistanceBased": "7.44",
        "Pass": "",
        "Flat": ""
        "Country": "GM",
        "Road": "A 6",
        "TollName": "TOLL COLLECT GMBH",
        "DistanceBased": "11.65",
        "Pass": "",
        "Flat": ""
        "Country": "GM",
        "Road": "A 6",
        "TollName": "TOLL COLLECT GMBH",
        "DistanceBased": "31.56",
        "Pass": "",
        "Flat": ""
        "Country": "GM",
        "Road": "Exit 61 (Würzburg)",
        "TollName": "TOLL COLLECT GMBH",
        "DistanceBased": "0.03",
        "Pass": "",
        "Flat": ""
        "Country": "GM",
        "Road": "Passau Exit",
        "TollName": "TOLL COLLECT GMBH",
        "DistanceBased": "0.19",
        "Pass": "",
        "Flat": ""
        "Country": "GM",
        "Road": "A 3",
        "TollName": "TOLL COLLECT GMBH",
        "DistanceBased": "42.81",
        "Pass": "",
        "Flat": ""
        "Country": "AU",
        "Road": "A 8 - Innkreis Autobahn",
        "TollName": "ASFINAG GO-MAUT",
        "DistanceBased": "25.58",
        "Pass": "",
        "Flat": ""
        "Country": "AU",
        "Road": "A 25 - Linzer Autobahn",
        "TollName": "ASFINAG GO-MAUT",
        "DistanceBased": "8.29",
        "Pass": "",
        "Flat": ""
        "Country": "AU",
        "Road": "A 1 - West Autobahn",
        "TollName": "ASFINAG GO-MAUT",
        "DistanceBased": "2.68",
        "Pass": "",
        "Flat": ""
        "Country": "AU",
        "Road": "A 1 - West Autobahn",
        "TollName": "ASFINAG GO-MAUT",
        "DistanceBased": "60.92",
        "Pass": "",
        "Flat": ""
        "Country": "AU",
        "Road": "A 1 - West Autobahn",
        "TollName": "ASFINAG GO-MAUT",
        "DistanceBased": "9.15",
        "Pass": "",
        "Flat": ""
    "SummaryLines": [
        "Country": "Austria",
        "TollType": "Distance Based",
        "TollName": "ASFINAG GO-MAUT",
        "TollDistance": "157.78",
        "TollsLocal": "106.62 EUR",
        "Tolls": "106.62",
        "PaymentOption": "Transponder"
        "Country": "France",
        "TollType": "Special Toll Charges",
        "TollName": "SANEF",
        "TollDistance": "",
        "TollsLocal": "92.00 EUR",
        "Tolls": "92.00",
        "PaymentOption": "Cash"
        "Country": "Germany",
        "TollType": "Distance Based",
        "TollName": "TOLL COLLECT GMBH",
        "TollDistance": "360.31",
        "TollsLocal": "114.81 EUR",
        "Tolls": "114.81",
        "PaymentOption": "Cash"
    "TollCurrency": 11

Toll Detail Report Response

Data Element Description Data Type Value/Example
type Describes the type of report and what it does.
RouteID The route identification key(Can be null)
SegmentLines Indicates the country, road, toll name, distance based cost, toll pass cost and flat rate cost for each toll.
SummaryLines Indicates the country, toll type, toll name, toll distance (for distance based tolls), the toll cost in local currency, toll cost in EUR and the payment option.
TollCurrency Indicates the toll currency used for the Summary Lines.


Data Element Description Data Type Value/Example
Country Country abbreviation.
Road The name of the toll road
A 501 - Marylebone Road
TollName Indicates the name of the toll.
DistanceBased Toll cost if the toll is distance based.
Pass Toll cost if the toll requires a pass.
DayPass :2.70
Flat Toll cost if the toll has a flat rate.


Data Element Description Data Type Value/Example
Country Country name.
United Kingdom
Toll Type Indicates the type of the toll.
Distance Based
TollName Indicates the name of the toll.
TollDistance If the toll is distance based, this will be the distance used in toll calculation.
TollsLocal Toll cost in local currency.
2.70 GBP
Tolls Toll cost in EUR.
PaymentOption Toll payment option.

Notes on Europe Tolls


The dataVersion must be set to PCM_EU in the URL of your request.

Vehicle Types

Toll results are validated for trucks with a weight greater than 3.5 tons only.


The result for vignette-style toll systems will show the price of a one-day tariff as default, with a rate specific to a country and vehicle setup. The vignette price is supported in the toll cost per country result, but not added to the total. This is done in order to not interfere with already existing vignettes for the vehicle making the trip. For example, if there is a valid one-year vignette already assigned to a vehicle, it would not be ideal to add the cost of a one-day vignette to the total by default.

The Eurovignette is valid in Luxembourg, Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden. The cost of a one-day Eurovignette is displayed for each country, even if a truck is traveling more than one of these countries within the valid time frame of the vignette.


Discounts are not currently supported. Discounts might be granted by toll providers, resulting in a reduced toll price—for example, by paying with a specific payment type like a credit card or for return journeys using the same structure within a limited time frame.

Time-based Tolls

For time-based tolls to work correctly, departure time must be entered. In case it is not, the highest toll for the given vehicle profile will be returned.

For countries with time-based tolls, the different tariffs will switch exactly as scheduled. This is consistent with the tolling schemes in reality, but technical circumstances might cause minor differences between the calculated toll cost and the actual toll cost. For example, when switching from the day tariff to the night rate at 10 p.m. in Austria, our calculation will do so at that moment. In reality, the onboard-unit of the truck will also switch tariffs, but only after passing one of the automated control points, which are being passed every few kilometers.


Ferry costs are not included.

CO₂ classes

Germany and Denmark have enacted distance-based truck toll systems, where the cost per kilometer varies depending on the vehicle’s CO2 emission class. As a result of this change, a new CO2Class parameter is required in your API calls in order to calculate toll rate estimates in Germany and Denmark.

There are five CO₂ classes that influence toll rates. Fleets need to register with the toll provider in order to have their vehicles assigned to the specific CO₂ class (principle of self-declaration). Otherwise, the vehicle will automatically be put into the most expensive CO₂ class.

Once a fleet has determined the CO₂ classes for its vehicles, the class needs to be specified in Routing API calls.

Setting the CO₂ classes

The CO2Class parameter works in conjunction with the existing EmissionType parameter. EmissionType must be set to 8 - EuroVI (the default value) in order for CO2Class to have any impact on toll cost calculations.

CO2Class defaults to Class1, which applies the highest toll cost.

Last updated February 13, 2025.
API Endpoint:
