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Creating a Place


If you search but cannot find a particular Place in the Trimble Maps database, the Places API gives you the ability to create a new Place with a POST request to /place. You can include as many details about the Place as you have available.

This new custom Place will be assigned a unique trimblePlaceId and saved in the Trimble Maps database. It can then be called and managed like any other Place.


  1. Pick a Place Set. Every Place must be stored in a Place Set, which is identified by its setId. Use GET place sets to retrieve the ID of an existing set or POST place sets to create a new set.

  2. Send all of the Place’s details, including its setId, with a POST request to /place.

  3. Receive a unique trimblePlaceId in the response. This ID can be used to call and manage the new Place’s information in the future.

Place Details

Field Description Data Type Required
customPlaceId Your company’s own identifier (shortcode) for the Place
name Your name for the custom Place
setId The Place set where the new Place will be stored. Use GET place sets to retrieve the ID of an existing set or POST place sets to create a new set.
address Address information about the Place
geometry The coordinates of the Place
site Details about the boundary perimeter around the Place, including the name of the Site and an array of points that make up the perimeter.
contactInfo A phone number and website URL for the location.
notes Notes about the Place

* View Sample Request Body

Connection with ContentTools

Places created with this API can be viewed and updated in ContentTools, our user interface for managing custom location content. They will be stored in the account associated with the API key.

With ContentTools, you can visualize a Place on a map. Using ContentTools is required if you want to add entry and exit gates to the Site, gate notes, as well as route paths to those gates. Those features depend heavily on being able to see the road network for proper alignment.

Facility Information

While information about the Place’s amenities is available for Places created by Trimble Maps, it cannot currently be added to custom Places.

Who Has Access to Your Place?

Only your account will initially have access to the Place you have created. Trimble Maps may review the Place for inclusion in our public Places database available to all users. If we do, we will collect only non-personal commercial data regarding the Place. Before it is included, the Place will be:

  • Reviewed and edited for accuracy by our team of mapping experts.
  • Expanded to include all of the details available for other public Places in our database.

Regardless of whether your Place is promoted to the public database, you will still be able to call for its details using the original trimblePlaceId returned when you first created it.

Updating a New Place

Once you have a created a new Place, you can update the Place’s information with a PUT request to /place/{placeId} that includes the new details. You can delete a Place you have created with a DELETE request to /place/{placeId}.

Sample Request Body

  "customPlaceId": "CUSID01",
  "name": "PNC Park",
  "setId": 870602,
  "categoryName": "Distribution Center",
  "address": {
    "streetAddress": "Main Street",
    "extendedAddress": "4th Floor",
    "streetNumber": "123",
    "city": "Pittsburgh",
    "county": "Allegheny",
    "state": {
      "name": "Pennsylvania",
      "abbrv": "PA"
    "country": {
      "name": "United States",
      "abbrv": "US"
    "postalCode": "15212"
  "geometry": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [-80.006841, 40.447307]
  "site": {
    "name": "Example site",
    "geometry": {
      "type": "MultiPolygon",
      "coordinates": [
            [-80.007736, 40.447704],
            [-80.004281, 40.448271],
            [-80.003683, 40.446575],
            [-80.007065, 40.445767],
            [-80.007736, 40.447704]
  "contactInfo": {
    "phone": "323-234-4322",
    "url": ""
  "notes": "Example notes",
  "facilityInformation": null //returned with Trimble Maps public Places but cannot be added to a private place

Sample Response

  "trimblePlaceId": "1xRfe4vxSSLkiz8S5ReeOtdQ",
  "name": "PNC Park",
  "siteName": "Example site"
Last updated January 9, 2023.
API Endpoint:
