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Routing is done using Trimble Maps data for commercial vehicles. This data includes bridge heights and clearances, load limits, weight limits and allowances, one-way road designations, left-hand and dangerous turn restrictions, urban road classifications, as well as hazmat, truck-restricted, truck-designated and truck-prohibited roads.


The first step in adding routes to your map is to create a new Route object providing a RouteOptions object as a constructor parameter.

const myRoute = new TrimbleMaps.Route({
  //Put your RouteOptions attributes here

Showing and Hiding Routes

You can set the visibility of the route to either true (visible) or false (hidden) using the setVisibility method. You can tell if the route is visible by checking the isVisible property, and you can toggle a route between visible and invisible using the toggleVisibility method.

console.log('isVisible:', myRoute.isVisible());

Route Options

The RouteOptions object requires a routeId and an array of stops. There are a number of optional parameters that can also be provided in order to change the route path or the way it is displayed.

const myRoute = new TrimbleMaps.Route({
  routeId: "myRoute",
  stops: [
    new TrimbleMaps.LngLat(-74.566234, 40.49944),
    new TrimbleMaps.LngLat(-74.629749, 40.261187)

Adding the Route to a Map

A route can be added to a map by calling the addTo method on the route object.

myMap.on('load', function() {


A route will raise a series of events during the loading and rendering of the route. The primary events are the routeloading and route. The routeloading event is raised when the calls are started and the route event is raised when the route is completely loaded and rendered. These events can be useful for adding loading indicators to your application. The routeloading event could fire before you start listening.

const myRoute = new TrimbleMaps.Route({
  routeId: "myRoute",
  stops: [
    new TrimbleMaps.LngLat(-74.566234, 40.49944),
    new TrimbleMaps.LngLat(-74.629749, 40.26118)

myRoute.on("routeloading", function () {
  console.log("loading route");

myRoute.on("route", function () {
  console.log("route complete");


The requested reports for a route can be retrieved by listening to the report event on the route object. The report event will return an object containing all the reports specified in the reportType property in the route options. This event will be raised each time the route is updated. There is also a corresponding reportloading event that is raised when a report call is started.

const myRoute = new TrimbleMaps.Route({
  routeId: "myRoute",
  stops: [
    new TrimbleMaps.LngLat(-74.566234, 40.49944),
    new TrimbleMaps.LngLat(-74.629749, 40.26118)
  reportType: [

myRoute.on("report", function (reports) {

Interactive Routes

By default, routes are static. The route will be drawn on the map and the stops will be indicated by the appropriate icons. If you would like to your users to interact with the routes by moving the location of a stop or by dragging the routes, you just need to set the isDraggable option of the routing layer in the constructor to true.

const myRoute = new TrimbleMaps.Route({
    routeId: 'myRoute',
    stops: [
        new TrimbleMaps.LngLat(-74.566234, 40.499440),
        new TrimbleMaps.LngLat(-74.629749, 40.261187)
    isDraggable: true

Drag Options

Using the dragOptions setting, dragging behavior can be further customized. By default, when the mouse button is released, the route path will be redrawn to include the point precisely beneath the cursor. In version 3.3, we introduced the ability to instead snap the route path to a nearby road link or place that is visible at the current map zoom level. By default, with dragging enabled, you can activate this snapping behavior by holding the SHIFT key while dragging.

The snapMode can either be set to OFF, DISABLE_WITH_KEY, or ENABLE_WITH_KEY. The code snippet below changes the default behavior. It enables snapping by default, and deactivates it when the ALT key is held.

 dragOptions: {
                snapKey: TrimbleMaps.Common.SnapKey.ALT,
                snapMode: TrimbleMaps.Common.SnapMode.DISABLE_WITH_KEY

When dragging a route, the road segment to be snapped to is highlighted and the icon changes.

Routing Drag

When in snapping mode, if the mouse cursor is too far from any visible link, the icon changes to the “prohibited” symbol (a red circle with a backslash) to indicate snapping to that location is not possible. If the mouse button is released in this state, the route is not redrawn.

Routing Drag Prohibited

Remove Route

You can remove individual routes by calling the remove method. Route line and stop icons will be removed all together.


Update Route

After a route is added, it can be updated by calling the update method. This method can be used to update the number of stops for a route. It can also be used to update a limited selection of route display styles, including route color, stop image icons (preferably in .PNG format), icon size and icon offset. It can’t be used to change the text label, text offset, or text size.

    routeId: 'myRoute',
    routeColor: '#888'

Route Arrows

Turn on or off arrows indicating the direction of travel along the route.

myRoute = new TrimbleMaps.Route({
  showArrows: true,

Route Framing

By default, the map will shift and zoom to frame a route. You can change that behavior by setting the frameOptions.

myRoute = new TrimbleMaps.Route({
  frameOptions: {
    animate: false,
    padding: {top: 150, bottom: 150, left: 450, right: 150}

Customize Route

If more control over route stops styling is desired, instead of using the update method, construct a route with showStops set to false. You can then add custom stop icons using the addStopIcon method and style them using the styleStopIcons method.

const showDefaultStops = false; // If false, custom stop icons can be used, if other values, default icons and styles are used.
const myRoute = new TrimbleMaps.Route({
    routeId: 'myRoute',
    stops: [
        new TrimbleMaps.LngLat(-74.566234, 40.49944),
        new TrimbleMaps.LngLat(-74.528512, 40.386680),
        new TrimbleMaps.LngLat(-74.629749, 40.26118)
    showStops: showDefaultStops

myMap.on('load', function() {
    if (!showDefaultStops) {
        // add custom stop icons.
        myRoute.addStopIcon('start', '');
        myRoute.addStopIcon('end', '');
        myRoute.addStopIcon('stop', '');
        // style custom stop icons. For detailed information, visit
        const stopLayerStyle = {
            layout: {
                'icon-size': [
                    ['==', ['get', 'stopType'], 'start'], 0.5, // stopType is an internal property, it has start, end, and stop values for now.
                    ['==', ['get', 'stopType'], 'end'], 0.5,
                    0.4 // stops
                'icon-offset': [0, -30]

For more information about routing options that are available take a look at our Routing Documentation and Route Options Example

Previous Data Versions

The JavaScript Maps SDK is designed to visualize routes based on the current data version. If you need to generate reports based on older data versions, this should be done by calling the RESTful APIs (Web Services) directly.

Full details about the endpoints and parameters can be found in the RESTful APIs documentation. Remember that GET and POST requests can use different parameter names and structures.

Below is an example of how to retrieve a mileage report for an older data version (PCM29) using the JavaScript fetch API. The example includes both GET and POST methods.

// Array of stops to be used in all report calls
const stopArray = [
    new TrimbleMaps.LngLat(-74.566234, 40.459440),
    new TrimbleMaps.LngLat(-74.635242, 40.358839),
    new TrimbleMaps.LngLat(-74.629749, 40.261187),

myMap.once('load', ()=> {
    // Create Route for Current data version
    const myRoute = new TrimbleMaps.Route({
        routeId: 'route1',
        stops: stopArray,
        reportType: [

    myRoute.once('report', (data) => {
        console.log('--- Current Data Version ---');
        console.log(`${data[0].ReportLines[2].TMiles} Miles`);

    const baseUrl = '';

    // GET Call
    const getParams = [];
    getParams.push(`stops=${encodeURIComponent( => stop.toArray().join(',')).join(';'))}`);

    // Add the parameters as a query string to the URL
    fetch(`${baseUrl}?${getParams.join('&')}`, {
        method: 'GET',
        headers: {
            Authorization: 'YOUR_KEY_HERE'
    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then((data) => {
        console.log('--- PCM29 Data Version (GET) ---');
        console.log(`${data[0].ReportLines[2].TMiles} Miles`);

    // POST Call
    const postParams = {
        ReportRoutes: [{
            Stops: => {
                return {
                    Coords: {
                        Lon: stop.lng
            Options: {
                HighwayOnly: false // Setting the HighwayOnly property to match the default of the GET call (see
            ReportTypes: [{
                __type: "MileageReportType:"

    // Add the dataVersion to the URL
    fetch(`${baseUrl}?dataVersion=PCM29`, {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
            Authorization: 'YOUR_KEY_HERE',
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        body: JSON.stringify(postParams)
    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then((data) => {
        console.log('--- PCM29 Data Version (POST) ---');
        console.log(`${data[0].ReportLines[2].TMiles} Miles`);

Last updated November 27, 2023.