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Map Settings


Map Styles

Map styles provide the visual styling for the map. See the chart below for the enumeration names and examples of each style. The default style for maps is TrimbleMaps.Common.Style.TRANSPORTATION.

The map style can be set when the map is initialized and it can be changed using the setStyle function on a map object.

Enumeration Example
Default, versatile style
Transportation Map Style
Versatile dark style
Transportation Dark Map Style
TrimbleMaps.Common.Style.SATELLITE Satellite Map Style
TrimbleMaps.Common.Style.TERRAIN Terrain Map Style
Slightly less emphasis on Transportation
Basic Map Style
Slightly less emphasis on Transportation
Basic Dark Map Style
Toned down to allow your data to stand out
Data Light Map Style
Toned down to allow your data to stand out
Data Dark Map Style
Designed for color blind accessibility
Accessible Map Style
Designed for color blind accessibility
Accessible Map Style
TrimbleMaps.Common.Style.MOBILE_DAY Satellite Map Style
TrimbleMaps.Common.Style.MOBILE_NIGHT Satellite Map Style
TrimbleMaps.Common.Style.MOBILE_SATELLITE Satellite Map Style
TrimbleMaps.Common.Style.SIMPLE_LIGHT Simple Light Map Style
TrimbleMaps.Common.Style.SIMPLE_DARK Simple Dark Style

Map Initialization

The style can be set when a map is created by using the style property.

const myMap = new TrimbleMaps.Map({
  container: "YOUR_DIV_HERE",
  center: new TrimbleMaps.LngLat(-74.1, 40.71),
  zoom: 14,
  style: TrimbleMaps.Common.Style.DATADARK,

setStyle Function

The style of a map can be changed using setStyle.



See the chart below for the enumeration names and descriptions of each region. The default region for maps is TrimbleMaps.Common.Region.NA.

Enumeration Description
TrimbleMaps.Common.Region.NA North America
TrimbleMaps.Common.Region.EU Europe
TrimbleMaps.Common.Region.OC Oceania
TrimbleMaps.Common.Region.SA South America
TrimbleMaps.Common.Region.AS Asia
TrimbleMaps.Common.Region.AF Africa
TrimbleMaps.Common.Region.ME Middle East
TrimbleMaps.Common.Region.WW Worldwide

Map Initialization

The region can be set when a map is created by using the region property.

const myMap = new TrimbleMaps.Map({
  container: "YOUR_DIV_HERE",
  center: new TrimbleMaps.LngLat(-0.12, 51.5),
  zoom: 15,
  region: TrimbleMaps.Common.Region.EU,

setRegion Function

The region can be changed using setRegion.


Size and Distance units

The units used for size (truck dimensions and road restrictions) and distance can be set to either METRIC or ENGLISH. Default is ENGLISH. There are two ways to set it.

Map Variable

TrimbleMaps.UNIT = TrimbleMaps.Common.Unit.ENGLISH;
TrimbleMaps.UNIT = TrimbleMaps.Common.Unit.METRIC;

Map Method


Units can be set globally along with the API key.

TrimbleMaps.APIKey = "Your API Key";
TrimbleMaps.UNIT = TrimbleMaps.Common.Unit.METRIC;

// or TrimbleMaps.setUnit(TrimbleMaps.Common.Unit.METRIC);


The language can be changed using language.

const myMap = new TrimbleMaps.Map({
  container: "map",
  center: new TrimbleMaps.LngLat(4.342, 51.449),
  region: TrimbleMaps.Common.Region.WW,
  language: TrimbleMaps.Common.Language.EN,
  zoom: 8,

Available Languages

Language Abbreviation
Arabic AR: ‘ar’
Belarusian BE: ‘be’
Bulgarian BG: ‘bg’
Bengali BN: ‘bn’
Bosnian BS: ‘bs’
Catalan CA: ‘ca’
Czech CS: ‘cs’
Welsh CY: ‘cy’
Danish DA: ‘da’
German DE: ‘de’
Greek EL: ’el'
English EN: ’en'
Australian English EN_AU: ’en-AU'
UK English EN_GB: ’en-GB'
Spanish ES: ’es'
Latin American Spanish ES_LA: ’es-LA'
Estonian ET: ’et'
Basque EU: ’eu'
Finnish FI: ‘fi’
French FR: ‘fr’
Galician GL: ‘gl’
Hebrew HE: ‘he’
Hindi HI: ‘hi’
Croatian HR: ‘hr’
Hungarian HU: ‘hu’
Indonesian ID: ‘id’
Icelandic IS: ‘is’
Italian IT: ‘it’
Japanese JA: ‘ja’
Korean KO: ‘ko’
Lithuanian LT: ’lt'
Latvian LV: ’lv'
Macedonian MK: ‘mk’
Malay MS: ‘ms’
Maltese MT: ‘mt’
Dutch NL: ’nl'
Belgian Dutch NL_BE: ’nl-BE'
Norwegian NO: ’no'
Polish PL: ‘pl’
Portuguese PT: ‘pt’
Brazilian Portuguese PT_BR: ‘pt-BR’
Romanian RO: ‘ro’
Russian RU: ‘ru’
Slovak SK: ‘sk’
Slovenian SL: ‘sl’
Albanian SQ: ‘sq’
Serbian SR: ‘sr’
Swedish SV: ‘sv’
Thai TH: ’th'
Turkish TR: ’tr'
Ukrainian UK: ‘uk’
Vietnamese VI: ‘vi’
Chinese Mandarin ZH: ‘zh’
Hong Kong Cantonese ZH_HK: ‘zh-HK’
Simplified Chinese ZH_HANS: ‘zh-Hans’
Last updated February 5, 2025.