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The APIs below retrieve information about Site events. A Site is a geofence of coordinates around the perimeter of a location, such as a yard or a distribution center. A Site event is triggered when a driver enters or exits that polygon.

Supported Since Minimum Operating System
CoPilot Windows 10, Android 4.1


This method is required to retrieve results of a Site event callback. It decodes and retrieves the message ID from a Site event message buffer.

Syntax (Prototyped in alkmsg.h)

long lSiteEventMsgId = Msg_SiteBoundaryParse(const void *pBytes, unsigned long bytes);


Parameter Description
pBytes The message buffer passed by the system to the user-specified callback function, set by Msg_UpdateOptions().
bytes The size of the message buffer in bytes, passed by the system to the user specified callback function, set by Msg_UpdateOptions().

Return Values

  • Less than 0 = Unable to allocate message buffer
  • Greater than or equal to 0 = Successful, Returned Message ID needed for subsequent calls to Msg_SiteBoundaryGetHeader and Msg_SiteBoundaryGetDetails


This method is required to retrieve results of a Site Event callback. It decodes and retrieves the information using the message ID retrieved from Site event message buffer.

Syntax (Prototyped in alkmsg.h)

long Msg_SiteBoundaryGetHeader(unsigned long lSiteBoundaryMsgId,
                                   unsigned long&  rCount,
       int& rSiteID,
       int& rbIsPublic,
       int& rbIsInSite,
       char* pSiteName, unsigned long lSiteNameLen,
       char* pStreetAddress, unsigned long lStreetAddressLen,
       char* pCity, unsigned long lCityLen,
       char* pState, unsigned long lStateLen,
       char* pPostalCode, unsigned long lPostalCodeLen);


Parameter Description
lSiteBoundaryMsgId The Message ID of the Site event
rCount The number of SiteBoundary details
rSiteID The Site ID
rbIsPublic Shows the Site is a public place—a Site created by Trimble, not a user—if it has a value of 1.
rbIsInSite Shows the driver has entered the Site if it contains a value of 1.
pSiteName The Site name
lSiteNameLen Length of the Site name message
pStreetAddress Address of the Site
lStreetAddressLen Length of the address message
pCity City of the Site
lCityLen Length of the city message
pState State of the Site message
lStateLen Length of the state message
pPostalCode Postal code of the Site
lPostalCodeLen Length of the postal code message

Return Values

  • 0 - Unable to find POIAlterMsgID from the cache list
  • 1 - Successful


This message is required to retrieve details of the SiteBoundary of a Site event callback. It decodes and retrieves the information using the message ID from a Site Events message buffer.

Syntax (Prototyped in alkmsg.h)

long Msg_SiteBoundaryGetDetails(
     unsigned long lSiteBoundaryMsgId,
     unsigned long lIndex,
     char* pNotes, unsigned long lNotesLen,
     int& rGateID,
     int& rGateType,
     int& rAutoRestriction,
     int& rTruckRestriction,
     int& rPhysicalLat,
     int& rPhysicalLon,
     int& rSnapLat,
     int& rSnapLon);


Parameter Description
lSiteBoundaryMsgId Message ID of a Site event
lIndex Index of date to retrieve
pNotes The details of a Note
lNotesLen Length of the Note details
rGateID Gate ID
rGateType Gate Type
rAutoRestriction Autos are restricted for this Gate if the value is 1.
rTruckRestriction Trucks are restricted for this Gate if the value is 1.
rPhysicalLat The latitude of the Gate
rPhysicalLon The longitude of the Gate
rSnapLat The latitude of the Gate snapped onto the public road network.
rSnapLon The longitude of the Gate snapped onto the public road network.

Return Values

  • 0 - Unable to find lSiteBoundaryMsgId from the cache list
  • -1 - Invalid index value
  • 1 - Successful
Last updated January 10, 2024.