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Live Parking


(Requires CoPilot or higher)

CoPilot provides real-time information on parking availability for several states in the U.S. Midwest to help drivers better plan their rest stops. The parking information is made available by the Regional Truck Parking Information Management System (TPIMS), which uses technologies such as sensors to detect open parking at various locations.

Parking information is currently available in the following states: Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

How to find parking information

Parking information is only available when the Vehicle Routing Profile is set to a Heavy Duty truck Vehicle Type .

To find a parking location:

  • On the PLAN trip screen, select Add Stop to open the Find Location screen.
  • Select the three dots to open the Search Places screen. Parking information is available for Places that fall under these categories: Truck Services, Gas Stations, Truck Stops, and Rest Areas. You can search for Places that are Near Route or At Destination (if you have already added stops to your trip plan) or Places that are Nearby or in Other City.
  • Places that include parking information display a badge that reads Parking Available if the parking availability is greater than 20%, or Limited Parking otherwise.
  • When you tap on a Place to select it, CoPilot displays the number of spots currently available.
  • Select More Information to view available amenities at the rest stop such as food, fuel, showers, and ATMs.
  • You can choose whether to add the Place as a stop on your trip or search for another place.

Turn off parking information

If you don't want CoPilot to display parking information, the feature can be turned off with the following setting in the product.cfg file:

//It is set to 1 by default, meaning it is enabled. 0 means it is disabled.


The table below shows the amenities that may be displayed when you select More Information for a rest stop.

Last updated June 21, 2024.